Fundamentals ofHydroabrasive Erosion Theory
erosion the runner surface acquires a scaly appearance and, as the erosion
deepens, this surface resembles a furrow-eroded view.
Owing to the fact that the direction of these furrows coincides with that of
the water flow, it should be assumed that the surface erosion, under the
operational conditions involved, cannot affect substantially the turbine
efficiency value.
According to the measurements performed, this efficiency level is
somewhat increased at the initial stage of the turbine operation, observed soon
after its repair service. As the operation mode alters, due to non-coincidence
between the direction of the furrows and that of the water flow, the turbine
efficiency may slightly drop, being affected by the surface roughness.
This fall of the efficiency, however, will be insignificant, since the depth
surface scales is not yet great (up to 0.2 ~ 0.3 mm), and the mentioned
furrows appear only within the trailing edge of a blade.
The thickening of the blade edges mentioned here was also carried out on
runners of some other hydroelectric stations, also operating in the conditions
of intensive erosion produced by sediment matter.
The operation of an runner, with thickened edges and cavitational-
resistant build-up applied at the rear sides of blades, have shown that after a
year of operation the trailing edges are practically preserved, but become
thinner (as related to the device efficiency, its fall was about 4%).
The second factor causing a decline in the turbine efficiency is the erosion
of labyrinth seals, and in this respect, the lower labyrinth packing is the
component being worn out most greatly. This accounts, most probably, for
the fact that the lower part of the flow conveys the greatest amount of the
sediment matter, with the particle sizes being the largest.
The erosion of labyrinths brings about a sharp rise in the volumetric loss.
The estimates carried out have shown that the efficiency reduction, in a
turbine of a power station, arising due to this cause may be as high as 5%, i.e.
a half of the greatest efficiency fall.
The capacity losses through seals include the volumetric loss and the loss
by the friction of
turbine components against the water (Figure
friction losses resulted from the erosion of the labyrinth maintain their
meaning, of course, with a small deviation of the friction coefficient C/ from
the number R
being neglected. Hence, the turbine efficiency fall will be
mainly affected by the volumetric loss, which increases as the erosion of the
labyrinths develops.