systems on the client and server, the server might also need to broadcast its
responses to the client. When combined, this creates a total of four broadcast
In most cases, however, the client need only send one broadcast packet on startup;
most clients do not require a broadcast response. Most servers can also respond
without broadcasting. Thus, in the most typical DHCP startup case, only a single
packet is broadcast—not four. After a client configures its network connection and
either as long as that connection remains valid or until the client machine is
restarted, all communication with the server is unicast. Chapter 7, “Transmitting
DHCP Messages,” discusses these issues in detail.
Another common misconception is that DHCP traffic is broadcast across the entire
enterprise network. In fact, the broadcast traffic generated through the use of DHCP
is typically limited to the network segment to which the DHCP client is connected.
Traffic across the rest of the network between the DHCP client and server is usually
sent directly to the server by using IP unicast.
In comparison, consider Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), which all IP broadcast
networks use. When one device needs to communicate with another device that is
on the same network segment, it must have the link-layer address of the second
device. Because it initially knows only the other device’s IP address, it must send an
ARP broadcast to obtain the second device’s link-layer address. After the device has
that link-layer address, it periodically verifies that it still has the correct address by
broadcasting another ARP request.
Some ARP implementations verify the link-layer address as frequently as every two
minutes. The ARP response is also broadcast, so any pair of devices on a network
segment that are in contact with one another using TCP/IP broadcast, on average,
one ARP message every minute. Computers tend to remain powered on for longer
than one minute at a time; usually, computers are powered on all day. In this case,
ARP generates as many as 180 broadcast packets for every packet DHCP generates.
Therefore, at four broadcast messages, DHCP is a comparatively insignificant
producer of broadcast traffic.
Server Load
Another common assumption is that because a DHCP server is most likely serving all
the DHCP clients at a site, it is difficult for a DHCP server to function at a large site.
Fortunately, DHCP is comparatively undemanding. A name server for a large site
might need a fairly fast machine with a good deal of memory. However, a DHCP
server for the same site can usually run quite well on an old piece of junk found in
the closet. It is very common to hear of people running the ISC DHCP server on an
old Intel 486 machine running Linux, serving several thousand DHCP clients. Many
sites serve on the order of 10,000 clients with Linux-based platforms. Although the
CHAPTER 1 An Introduction to DHCP12
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