My wife, Jan, improved the book with her careful editing and suggestions for organ-
izing its content. Jan, along with our daughters, Stacey and Becca, inspired me to
tackle this project and see it through to completion.
From Ted Lemon:
Thanks to Paul Vixie for his compassion and help both in my professional and
personal life. Thanks to David Conrad for his patience, kindness, and patience.
Thanks to my mother and father for putting up with me and setting an example for
me that I haven’t always been able to appreciate. Thanks to Mel, for her great kind-
ness, and to Signe, Queen of Repartee. Thanks to Scanner, Bob, Wendy, April, Betty,
Stephen, Ben, James, George, Matt, Lucy, Ashton, Cristi, and all the other nice
people at Nominum with whom it is a joy to work. Thanks to Richard Stallman, for
teaching me the key to writing difficult programs: start typing.
Thanks to my wonderful wife, Andrea, for not being sad when I’ve stayed up
through the night working on chapters, and for cheering me up when I’m tired and
depressed, and to Phil and Sylvia, Mike, Debby, Martin, Ellen, and Keith—the best
in-laws I could ever have hoped for. Thanks to Ralph for his thoughtful comments
and to Jenny and Karen for not reaching through the phone lines to throttle me
when I didn’t come up with a chapter on time.
Thanks to Walt Congdon for taking me under his wing and showing me how to be a
good person while pretending to teach me about ham radio. Thanks to my grand-
mother Carrie for showing me to look beyond my own concerns. Thanks to Hughes
Pack for being stern when I needed it. Thanks to Hartley Pfeil for teaching me how
to write. Thanks to Jennifer Bobbe for her patience and support when I was working
on the first edition. Thanks to Kim Kinnear for all his hard work on the failover
protocol and for putting up with all my suggestions, some of which may have been
useful. Thanks to Edward Lemon, Sr., and Robert Dickerson, my grandfathers, for
never believing something couldn’t be done and letting a little of that attitude rub
off on me (would that it had been more). Thanks to my grandmother, Leone Lemon,
for trying to teach me to be considerate.
Last but definitely not least, thanks to Khen Rinpoche Geshe Lobsang Tharchin,
Geshe Michael Roach, the one who calls himself Tenzin Gyatso, Geshe Thupten
Rinchen, Winston McCullough, Elly van der Pas, Lobsang Chukyi, Lobsang
Chunzom, Thupten Chudrun, John Brady, Sal Lupo, Seamus Rutherford, Rebecca
Vinacour, Deborah Bye, Mercedes Bahleda, and Rafael Cervantes for gifts of unsur-
passable value.
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