Lesson 10.
Grammar, Further idiomatic phrases.
Further idiomatic phrases are as follows
Er skyn (above), er-my-skyn (above me), er-dty-skyn, er-nyn-skyn, etc.
My-chione (about, concerning), My-my-chione (about me), my-dty-chione, etc.
Mygeayrt (around), mygeayrt y moom (around me), mygeayrt y mood, etc.
Er son (for, on account of), er my hon (on my account), er e hon, etc.
Lomarcan (alone), My lomarcan, dty lomarcan, ny lomarcan, etc.
M'oi (against me), dt'oi, n'oi, etc.
My yei (after me), dty yei, ny yei (after him), nyn jei (after us, you, them).
'Ny yei' is also used for 'notwithstanding, nevertheless.'
Lurg (after, alternative word). My lurg, dty lurg, ny lurg.
Fegooish (without), M'egooish (without me), dt'egooish, n'egooish.
Fenish (in the presence of, before). Ayns dty enish (in your presence).
Kiongoyrt rhyms (before me).
The preposition gyn or dyn (without) does not take the article. When gyn combines so closely with the
following noun as to form a compound, mutation may occur:
gyn-vree (vigourless); but gyn bree (without vigour), dyn-yss (unawares), but gyn fys (without knowledge).
When in English, the negative 'not' is placed before the infinitive, the preposition gyn is placed before the
verbal noun:
Share dooin gyn ve er yn aarkey nish (It is better for us not to be on the sea now).
The word dyn is sometimes the equivalent of dy nyn.
"Ta mish dyn goyrt shiu magh myr eayn mastey moddee-oaldey." (I send you forth as lambs among
Dy (of) always causes mutation in a noun immediately following it, but any preposition followed by the
article causes, as a rule, mutation in a noun singular, coming after the article, even though that noun be
Veih'n voghrey gys y vun-laa (from morning until noon).