broigh, dirty
broogh, bank
builg-heidee, bellows
bun, the base, the meaning
bunney, sheaf
bwaagh, pretty
bwee, buigh pl. buighey, yellow
bwoaill, strike
bwoaillee, fold
bwoailley pl. buillaghyn, a blow
bwoalley, striking
c'el?, where is?
c'raad, where? what road?
c'red, what, what thing?
c'woad, how much, how many?
caashey, cheese
cab, jaw
cabbal, chapel
cabbyl pl. cabbil, horse
cadjin, common
cagliagh, boundary
caill, lose
cam, crooked
carbyd, vehicle
carkyl, circle
carrey, a friend
carroo, carp
cashtal, m, castle
cass, foot
cassan, pathway
castreycair, middling, tolerable
cayr, knot
cha nod or vod, cannot
cha row rieau, never was
chaggil, assemble, gather
chaglym, gathering
cheayll mee, I heard
cheddin, the same
çheer, country
Cheer ny Albey, Scotland
cheerey, gen, of the country
cheet, coming
cheet er ash, showing itself, appearing
cheet er y hoshiaght, prospering
cheet rish, showing itself, appearing
çheh, hot
çhengey, pl. chengaghyn, tongue
Chiarn, Lord
çhiass, heat
chibbyr pl. chibbraghyn, well
çhing, sick, ill
çhionn, tight
çhirrym, dry
çhiu, dense
choud as, choud's, as long as, whilst
claare, list
claddagh, river bank
clag, bell
clag, clock
clasht, hear
clashtyn, hearing
cleaysh, ear
cleeau, chest
cleigh, cleiy, hedge
cliwe, sword
cloan g. clienney, offspring
cloan ny clienney, posterity
clou, tongs; printing press
clou-beg, pincers
coayl, losing
colbagh pl. colbeeyn, heifer
conney, gorse fuel
conning, a rabbit
coo pl. coyin, a hound
cooidjagh, together placed after noun
coraa, pl. coraaghyn, voice
corkey; pl. corkaghyn, oats as grain
corp, body
corrag, fore-finger
cowag, chatter
crackan, pl. craitnyn, skin
craue, bone
cre, what?
cre shen?, what's that?
cre shoh?, what's this?
cre staid?, what is yonder
cre ta, what is?
cre vel, where is?
cre vel? c'el?, where is?
cre'n fa nagh, why not?
cre'n fa?, why?
cre'n oyr?, for what reason?
cre, cre-erbee, what, whatever
cre-veih? voish, where from?
cred, believe
credjal, believing
cree dooie, a kind heart
cree, pl creeaghyn, heart
Creestee, Christian
criggyl, cripple
croan, mast
cronk. m. pl. crink. croink, hill
cront, knot
croobagh, lame
cubbyl, couple
cuishlyn, pl. cuishleeyn, vein
cur, give, put
cur ass, extinguishing
cur da, giving to, striking
cur fys, acquainting, sending word
cur jerrey, finishing
cur lesh, bringing, carrying