= 0.189 + 533
= 0.02 (8.19)
(0.019) (841)
First, note that the estimate of the coefficient of GDP is much the same in the three regressions:
0.194, 0.182, and 0.189 (remember that it becomes the intercept when scaling through by the X
variable). One would not expect dramatic shifts since heteroscedasticity does not give rise to bias.
The estimator in the third estimate should have the smallest variance and therefore ought to have a
tendency to be the most accurate. Perhaps surprisingly, its standard error is the largest, but then the
standard errors in the first two regressions should be disregarded because they are invalidated by the
In this model the intercept does not have any sensible economic interpretation. In any case its
estimate in the third equation, where it has become the coefficient of 1/GDP, is not significantly
different from 0. The only apparent problem with the third model is that R
is very low. We will
return to this in the next subsection.
Nonlinear Models
Heteroscedasticity, or perhaps apparent heteroscedascity, may be a consequence of misspecifying the
model mathematically. Suppose that the true model is nonlinear, for example
with (for sake of argument)
positive so that Y is an increasing function of X. The
multiplicative disturbance term v has the effect of increasing or reducing Y by a random proportion.
Suppose that the probability distribution of v is the same for all observations. This implies, for
example, that the probability of a 5 percent increase or decrease in Y due to its effects is just the same
when X is small as when X is large. However, in absolute terms a 5 percent increase has a larger effect
on Y when X is large than when X is small. If Y is plotted against X, the scatter of observations will
therefore tend to be more widely dispersed about the true relationship as X increases, and a linear
regression of Y on X may therefore exhibit heteroscedasticity.
The solution, of course, is to run a logarithmic regression instead:
log Y = log
log X + log v (8.21)
Not only would this be a more appropriate mathematical specification, but it makes the regression
model homoscedastic. log v now affects the dependent variable, log Y, additively, so the absolute size
of its effect is independent of the magnitude of log X.
Figure 8.7 shows the logarithm of manufacturing output plotted against the logarithm of GDP
using the data in Table 8.1. At first sight at least, the plot does not appear to exhibit
heteroscedasticity. Logarithmic regressions using the subsamples of 11 countries with smallest and
greatest GDP yield residual sums of squares 2.14 and 1.04, respectively. In this case the conventional
Goldfeld–Quandt test is superfluous. Since the second RSS is smaller than the first, it cannot be
significantly greater. However the Goldfeld–Quandt test can also be used to test for
heteroscedasticity where the standard deviation of the distribution of the disturbance term is inversely