imaginary unit sphere. The representational space that (dually) represents these
sets as vectors is the conformal model. Its distance measures are related to the
inner product through its translation versor.
Image Geometry. Koenderink [35] has recently proposed an image algebra for the
geometrical symmetries of images. These involve not only the spatial geometry of
the image plane, but also the transformations on the value domain, and the inter-
action between the two. This induces a combined model with a mixed geometry,
for 2-D gray value images the representation space is
mal model
for the Euclidean geometry in the base plane and a conformal
for the scalar value dimension. The versors of this model give a basis for
developing spatial smoothing operators.
Projective Geometry. Unfortunately, there is not yet an operational model for
projective geometry. That would have projective transformations as versors
(rather than as linear transformations, as in the homogeneous coordinate
approach). The metric of the representation space should probably be based on
the cross ratio. Its blades would naturally represent the conic sections. Initial
attempts [15, 48] do not quite have this structure, but we hope an operational
projective model will be developed soon.
Contact Geometry. There are more special geometries that might interest us in com-
puter science. For instance, collision detection requires an efficient representation
of contact. In classical literature, symplectic geometries have been developed for this
based on canonical transformations (or contact transfor mations) [15]. It would be
very interesting to compute with those by means of their own operational models,
hopefully enabling more efficient treatment of problems like collision detection and
path planning.
And More. The more we delve into the mathematical literature of the 19th century,
the more geometries we find. They all make some practical sense, but only projective
geometry (and its subgeometries such as affine and Euclidean geometry) appears to
have become part of mainstream knowledge. With the common representational
framework of geometric algebra, we find that this obscure literature has become
quite readable. As we begin to read it, we find it disconcerting that many aspects
of the conformal model of Euclidean geometry pop up regularly (for instance, in
[9, 10]). We could have had this all along, and it makes us wonder what else is already
out there ...
We hope to have convinced you in Part II that the structural properties of an operational
model are nice to have. Not only do they permit universal constructions and operators,
but the y also make available the quantitative techniques of interpolation and estimation.
Linear techniques applied at the right level of the model (for instance, on the bivectors that
are the logarithms of the rotors) provide more powerful results than the same techniques
applied to the classical vectors or the matrix representations acting upon them.
It remains to show that such models are not only structurally desirable, but also efficient
in computation. We do this in Part III.