and coordinate-free operator from geometric algebra. For simplicity of structure and
universality of code, this is always advantageous, though it may come at a computational
price—we treat that issue briefly below (Section 7.7.3) and extensively in Part III.
The algebraic foundation by itself cannot be applied immediately to geometric problems
in applications: a modeling step is required to identify the proper algebraic concepts to
encode features of the situation. For Euclidean, affine, and projective geometry, there
are standard recommended ways of modeling. These are explained in Part II, which is
essential reading if you want to use geometr ic algebra effectively.
The consistency of our constructions so far allows us to express our opinion on the
difference between geometric algebra and Clifford algebra. The follow ing is by no means
generally accepted, but we have found it a useful distinction for practical pur poses,
especially as a foundation for developing efficient implementations for the various
admissible operations in Part III.
Clifford algebra is defined in the same multivector space
as geometric algebra. It has the same definition of the geometric product
to construct elements from other elements. It moreover permits us to construct
elements by a universal addition, also defined between any two elements.
By contrast, in our view of geometric algebra we only permit exclusively multiplicative
constructions and combinations of elements. The obvious exceptions to this are
the two basis elements in the whole construction: the vector space and its field
which were linear from the start, and their duals (since duality is an isomorphic
construction). Thus the only elements in the geometric algebra
that we allow
to be added constructively are of grade 0 (scalars), grade 1 (vectors), grade (n −1)
(covectors), and grade n (pseudoscalars).
Of course, many of the products in geometric algebra are bilinear and allow generalization
over addition through their distributivity. But we view that additive structure only as
convenient for the decomposition of those products, never as a construction of new
elements. The distributivit y property is convenient in implementations, since it allows
the representation of an arbitrary element on a basis. We then store the coefficients
it has on that basis, and are allowed to reconstruct the element by recomposing the
terms, but never should we play the game of making new elements by adding arbitrarily
weighted basis elements, as in Clifford algebra. The reason is simply that we have no
geometric interpretation for such elements.
By contrast, all elements produced by multiplication using any of our products do have a
geometrical interpretation. The blades among them, from the subalgebra involving only
the inner and outer products (and of course including duality,
meet, and join) are clearly
subspaces. They can even be drawn. The elements involving the geometric product are
versors representing orthogonal transformations, and they act on the subspace elements