248 B Group Representations
If the homomorphic mapping of G on D(G) reduces to an isomorphism, then we
call the representation as the faithful representations. Thus, the order of the group
of matrices D(G) is equal to the order g of group G.
1 Characters
If the matrices D(R) will be replaced by their transforms by some matrix S, then
the matrices
(R) =SD(R)S
also provide a representation of group G, which is equivalent to the representation
D(R). Note that equivalent representations have the same structure even though the
matrices look different.
By taking the sum of the diagonal elements of the matrix, we find that the trace
of a matrix D(R) is invariant under a transformation of the coordinate axes. The
trace is defined by
χ(R) =
(R). (B.8)
We see that equivalent representations have the same set of characters. For conve-
nience, we use χ
(R) to denote the character of R in the μ representation. When
we describe a group by listing the characters of its elements in a given representa-
tion, the same number character is assigned to all the elements in a given class since
the conjugate elements in the group G always have the same character. If we label
the classes of the group G by K
,i ∈[1,ν], the representation will be described by
the set of characters χ
, where ν is the number of the classes in G.
2 Construction of Representations
In physics we start not from an abstract group, but from a group of transformations
of the configuration space of a physical system. One of our problems is to determine
how to go about constructing representations of group G. Another is to see what
connection representations have with physics.
For a transformation T belonging to the group of transformations G, the repre-
sentations can be constructed by x
=Tx. Suppose an associated linear operator O
acting on the functions ψ(x):
) ≡ O
) = ψ(x), x
=Tx. (B.9)
This means that the transformed function ψ
≡ O
ψ takes the same value at the
image point x
that the original function ψ had at the object point x. In fact, Eq. (B.9)
can also be written as
ψ(Tx)=ψ(x), or O
x). (B.10)