List of Figures
Fig. 1.1 The relations among the SO(N) group, central fields,
non-relativistic and relativistic equations ............. 8
Fig. 7.1 The energy spectrum E(1, 0,D) decreases with the increasing
dimension D ∈ (0, 2], but increases with the dimension D ≥2.
This is a common property of the energy levels E(n,0,D)
regardless of the quantum number n. The parameters A =1 and
B =8aretaken........................... 93
Fig. 7.2 The variation of energy E(2, 0,D) (red solid line)onthe
dimension D is very similar to E(1, 0,D).TheE(2, 1,D)
(blue dashed line) increases with the increasing dimension D.
Specially, note that the E(2, 1,D) almost overlaps E(2, 0,D)
for a large D ............................ 94
Fig. 7.3 The variations of energy E(3,l,D) on the dimension D are very
similar to E(2,l,D).Thered, blue dashed and black dotted lines
correspond to the different angular momentum quantum numbers
l =0
, 1, 2, respectively ....................... 94
Fig. 13.1 The energy difference E(1, 0,D)decreases with the dimension
D ∈ (0, 0.9], while increases with the dimension D ∈[1.1, 1.9]
and then decreases again with the dimension D ≥ 2.1. The
E(1, 0,D) is symmetric with respect to the point (1.5, 0),so
are those E(n, 0,D). The parameter ξ =0.05 is taken here and
also in Figs. 13.2–13.6 .......................161
Fig. 13.2 The plot of energy differences E(2,l,D) (l = 0, 1) as a
function of dimension D. Note that E(2, 1,D) decreases
with the increasing dimension D ≥0.1 and the variation of the
E(2, 0,D) on the dimension D is very similar to
1, 0,D) ............................163
Fig. 13.3 The plot of energy difference E(3,l,D) as a function of
dimension D.Thered dashed, green dotted and blue solid lines
correspond to l =2, 1, 0, respectively ...............163