List of Figures xxiii
Fig. 14.11 The variation of the energy E(2, 0,D) (green solid line)on
the dimension D is very similar to E(1, 0,D). The energy
E(2, 1,D) (red dashed line) increases with the dimension
D ≥0.4. The energy E(2, 1,D) almost overlaps E(2, 0,D) for
D ≥2.6...............................194
Fig. 14.12 The variation of the E(3,l,D) (l = 2, 1, 0) on the dimension
D is similar to E(2,l,D) (l = 1, 0). For D ≥ 2.6 the energies
E(3,l,D) (l =2, 1, 0) are almost overlapped. The red dashed,
green dotted and blue solid lines correspond to l = 2, 1, 0,
Fig. 14.13 The energy E(1, 0,D) decreases with the increasing dimension
D ∈ (0, 2), but increases with the increasing dimension D ≥2.
The parameters v = 0 and s = 0.2 are taken and also in
Fig. 14.14. Note that its variation is very similar to that illustrated
in Fig. 14.7 except for a different amplitude . . . .........195
Fig. 14.14 The variation of energy E(2, 0,D) (green solid line)on
the dimension D is very similar to E(1, 0,D). The energy
E(2, 1,D) (red dashed line) increases with dimension D.The
energy E(2, 1,D) almost overlaps E(2, 0,D) for D>2.6....195
Fig. 14.15 The variations of the E(3,l,D) (l =2, 1, 0) on the dimension D
are similar to E(2,l,D) (l = 1
, 0). The energy E(3, 2,D) (red
dashed line) almost overlaps energy E(3, 1,D) (green dotted
line). For D>2.6, the energies E(3,l,D) (l = 2, 1, 0) are
almost overlapped .........................196
Fig. 14.16 The energy E(1, 0,D) decreases with the increasing dimension
D ∈ (0, 2), but increases with the increasing dimension D ≥2.
Note that it is symmetric with respect to the axis D = 2. The
parameters v = s =0.2 are chosen here and also in Figs. 14.17
and 14.18 ..............................196
Fig. 14.17 The variation of the energy E(2, 0,D) (green solid line)on
the dimension D is very similar to E(1, 0,D). The energy
E(2, 1,D) increases with the dimension D. The energy
E(2, 1
,D) (red dashed line) completely overlaps E(2, 0,D) for
D ≥2................................197
Fig. 14.18 The variation of the E(3, 0,D)(blue solid line) on the dimension
D is similar to E(n,0,D) (n = 2, 1). The energy E(3, 2,D)
(red dashed line) overlaps the E(3, 1,D) (green dotted line)
completely. For D ≥ 2 the energies E(3,l,D) (l = 2, 1, 0) are
completely overlapped .......................197
Fig. 14.19 The variation of the energy levels E(3,l,v) (l =0, 1, 2) on the
parameter v. The energy decreases with the parameter v.The
red dashed, green dotted and blue solid lines correspond to
l =2, 1, 0, respectively. The parameters D =3 and s =
taken ................................198