Other Vascular Diseases (Blood Vessel
In addition to atherosclerotic disease, there are a number
of vascular diseases which also cause sudden death. In
most cases, death does not occur as rapidly as it does
when there is a sudden cardiac arrhythmia. The follow-
ing are some of the more common vascular diseases or
disorders which cause sudden unexpected death.
1. Ruptured cerebral aneurysm — Aneurysms
(a weakening and ballooning of a blood vessel)
of the brain may rupture during a time of stress,
a sudden increase in blood pressure, or during a
nonstressful occasion. A ruptured vessel may be
discovered at autopsy in an individual who has
fallen and received other fatal injuries. In this
unusual circumstance, the rupture precedes the
fall and is not caused by the fall.
2. Pulmonary thromboemboli — The vast majority
of emboli (blood clots which break away and
travel from their site of origin) originate in the
deep veins of the lower extremities. They most
commonly develop in individuals who become
bedridden after surgical procedures and in any-
one whose activity level decreases suddenly.
Sudden death occurs when large ones break away,
travel through the heart, and plug up the blood
vessels leading to the lungs.
3. Ruptured aortic aneurysms — Aneurysms of the
aorta commonly occur in the abdomen where
the aorta divides into the vessels that take blood
to the legs. The aorta is especially prone to devel-
op atherosclerosis and weakening of the vessel
wall at this location. Most of these aneurysms
are diagnosed prior to rupture and can be dealt
with surgically. Unfortunately, some rupture
unexpectedly and death usually happens quickly.
4. Acute aortic dissection — Acute aortic dissection
is associated with high blood pressure and other
uncommon disorders. The aortic wall splits apart,
causing considerable pain and death unless the
dissection occurs close to or in a hospital where
care can be provided immediately. Aortic dissec-
tions are also seen in cocaine and methampheta-
mine abusers.
Sudden and unexpected deaths from respiratory disor-
ders are usually due to infections. Infants and the elderly
may succumb to pneumonia very suddenly and without
exhibiting significant symptoms. Viral infections of the
airway may become secondarily infected by bacteria. An
immunocompromised individual with AIDS or cancer
readily develops respiratory infections, but these deaths
are usually chronic and expected. Rarely, undiagnosed
tuberculosis and other contagious diseases not associat-
ed with an immunocompromised host still cause
unexpected deaths.
There are a few disorders of the central nervous system
(CNS) that cause sudden and unexpected death. For
example, brain tumors can cause sudden death, but peo-
ple with tumors usually present to a physician with evi-
dence of their disease prior to death. Occasionally, some-
one may die suddenly from an unsuspected and undiag-
nosed rapidly growing tumor. Colloid cysts of the third
ventricle may also cause a sudden unexpected death.
Meningitis may present with nonspecific symptoms such
as a headache and may not be diagnosed in an ER, but
within hours the symptoms may progress rapidly and
cause death before adequate medical attention is
The most common disorder of the CNS that causes
a sudden death is a seizure. Seizures may be idiopathic
(unknown cause) or acquired. If the decedent developed
a seizure disorder as a result of blunt trauma to the
head, death is not considered natural because the cause
of death was the result of the trauma. Examples of
acquired seizures from natural causes are accidents and
tumors. It is important to recognize that the correct
cause of death is the underlying disorder, not the
seizure. Finally, there is a group of patients with seizures
who have no underlying cause. In these deaths the cause
of death may be ruled “idiopathic seizure disorder.” The
identification at autopsy of either a gross or microscopic
abnormality in the brain that triggers the seizure is
rarely found. Like cardiac arrhythmias, seizures are
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