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FIGURE 3.22 He died from a blow to the abdomen which
caused lacerations of the liver. It is important to note there
were no external signs of injury.
FIGURE 3.23 This boy has spectacle hemorrhages. The black
eyes may occur from a direct blow to the eyes, side of the head,
or from blood seeping down around the eyes after fractures of
the skull. If there are no injuries around the eyes then the
hemorrhages probably came from fractures of the skull.
FIGURE 3.24 External injuries may not be present even if
someone dies of head trauma. This child reportedly fell and
struck his head. See next photo.
FIGURE 3.25 There were multiple areas of subscalpular hem-
orrhage which indicate the child was struck in the head and
did not fall.
Chpt 3.qxd 11/18/2001 12:03 PM Page 34