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and will keep the body in a relatively preserved state for
many months. Unlike normal decompositional changes,
there is no green discoloration or significant bloating.
The exterior of the body remains white and the outer-
most layers of the skin slip off. Bodies placed in cold
water develop this change. It may also occur in bodies
placed in plastic bags.
Mummification occurs in hot, dry environments. The
body dehydrates and bacterial proliferation is minimal.
The skin becomes dark, dried, and leathery. The process
occurs readily in the fingers and toes in dry environ-
ments regardless of the temperature. Most mummified
bodies are found in the summer months. It is also com-
mon for this process to occur in winter months if the
environment is warm. It is possible for an entire body to
mummify in a only a few days to weeks. Once a body is
in this state, it may remain preserved for many years.
FIGURE 1.1 This man was found in this position the day
after he died. His body was completely stiff. This stiffness
(rigor mortis) begins in all muscles 1–2 hours after death
when the environmental temperature is approximately 75°F.
The body will be in complete rigor in 10–12 hours and
remain stiff for another 24–36 hours at the same environmen-
tal temperature. Heat speeds up the process and cold retards
it. See next photo.
FIGURE 1.2 The man’s knee remains bent after he is moved
because the rigor mortis is still in a fixed position. If discov-
ered in this position, the examiner would know the body had
been moved.
FIGURE 1.3 Livor mortis. Blood settles with gravity after a
person dies. The blood becomes fixed in the dependent posi-
tion in approximately 8–10 hours. Prior to fixation, the blood
will redistribute to the new dependent location if the body is
moved. The normal color of livor mortis (lividity) is purple.
Red lividity can be caused by the cold, cyanide, and carbon
monoxide. The lividity in this photo is purple with outlines in
red due to refrigeration.
Chpt 1.qxd 11/18/2001 11:07 AM Page 3