© 2000 CRC Press LLC
Electrocution is not always an easy diagnosis to make.
The history and circumstances of death are vitally
important because low voltage deaths frequently cause
no injuries on the body. On the other hand, high voltage
deaths are easier to diagnose because of obvious burns.
The cause of death from electrocution is related to the
amount of current (or amperage) flowing through a
body. Although both direct and alternating currents
can be lethal, most deaths occur from contact with
alternating currents having low voltages such as 110 or
220 usually found in homes.
There needs to be a complete circuit from the power
source to the ground for death to occur. A person will
not become electrocuted if insulated from the ground.
The direction the path takes in the body determines if
the shock will be fatal. An arrhythmia is likely if current
travels through the heart.
External injuries may vary tremendously. The extent of
external wound damage is dependent upon the amount
of current and its duration. If a current is spread over a
wide area for a short duration there will not be any
injuries to the skin. Clothing may be damaged so it
must be retained for examination. The skin may be
secondarily injured by burning clothes.
Low voltage tends to cause easily overlooked small burns
especially on the hands and the feet. The lesions may be
red, black, or white and inconspicuous, with depressed
firm centers. High voltage deaths usually leave
easily recognizable, deeply charred areas. Lesions may
be present at the entrance and/or exit sites.
If someone dies while working with electrical equip-
ment, the equipment needs to be tested by a qualified
Lightning may kill by either a direct or an indirect strike.
Injuries may be slight to nonexistent or quite impressive.
The victim usually dies by heart stoppage. Metal on
the clothing or body may heat up and cause secondary
injuries. Occasionally, a red fern-like pattern may devel-
op on the skin. This is only seen in electrocution and
may disappear within hours of the death.
Drugs may be the cause of death, contribute to the cause
of death, or contribute to the circumstances surround-
ing a death. There are many different types of drugs,
both legal and illicit, that may be the cause of death.
Any drug or chemical taken in excess can cause death.
This includes illicit drugs, over-the-counter medicines,
and prescription drugs.
Common drugs of abuse encountered in death cases
include ethyl alcohol, barbiturates, pain killers, stimu-
lants such as cocaine and methamphetamine, heroin,
morphine, LSD, marijuana, and antidepressants. These
drugs can readily be discovered through routine post-
mortem drug screens by testing blood, urine, or other
tissues. Chemicals such as carbon monoxide and cyanide
may be involved. Blood and urine are not usually tested
for these chemicals; however, the circumstances of
death may lead the examiner to suspect these chemicals
as a cause of death (such as carbon monoxide in fire).
Special samples such as hair may be needed to test for
cases of heavy metal poisoning, such as arsenic.
Autopsy findings may vary from obvious signs of drug
abuse to a negative autopsy. Chronic intravenous drug
abusers have easily recognizable needle tracks while
chronic alcoholics may have cirrhosis of the liver and
bleeding abnormalities. Drugs as a cause of death should
be suspected in a negative autopsy in which there is no
Chapter 11