Exercise 47
1. Beid siad ag dul go Cill Airne amáireach. 2. D’iarras
orthu siúcra agus plúr do cheannach dom. 3. Beimíd ag
fanúint leo ag an stáisiún. 4. Duart leo gan glaoch chun
mo dhearthár, mar tá sé as baile. 5. Nuair a bheir ag teacht
thar n-ais, na dearrnhad Peadar agus Sile do thabhairt leat.
6. Tá an ceannaí tagtha chun féachaint ar an gcapall. 7. Nach
trua gan m’athair do bheith anso roimhe? 8. Níor mhaith
liom an capall do dhiol gan é do bheith ann. 9. Déarfad leis
an gceannaí teacht lá éigin eile. 10. B’fhéidir go bhfuil gnó
aige le déanamh i n-áit éigin eile. 11. D’iarramair ar an
seanduine scéal d’insint dúinn, ach bhí sé an-fhada agus
níor fhanamair chun a dheireadh do chloisint. 12. Bhí
muintir an tí ina gcodladh nuair a shroiseamair an baile.
Exercise 48
1. Where did they hear those fine songs? 2.There were young
girls and old women working together. 3. I saw the small
cups that you bought yesterday, and they are certainly
pretty cups. 4. Where are those sweet cakes that you brought
from the shop? 5. I put them into those white boxes over
there. 6. There are two black horses down on the road,
(and they) nearly dead with hunger. 7. There were always
generous men in this district, but it is hard for them to be
generous without money. 8. Those heavy chairs are too big
for this room of mine. 9. Those songs are very sweet, but
the old songs are finer than they. 10. William is more
like his father than Thomas. 11. That board is too
wide, and the other is wider still. 12. Do you see that bald
man and the young red-haired man beside him? 13. Those
are my father and my nephew. 14. Distant hills are green.
15. The sun is brighter than the moon. 16. That table is big
and wide, but the low one is cheaper than it. 17. Which of
them do you prefer? 18. The dearer one is the more lasting.
19. My father is younger than your father, but Dermot is
the strongest man of them all. 20. Coal is heavier than turf.
21. Last night was darker than tonight. 22. The lane is