1 Write “one hundred sixteen and fourteen ten-thousandths” as a number
2 Write 6,431.719, using words
Review Problems for Chapter 3
62 Part 1 Fundamental Review
3 Round 3.475 feet to the nearest tenth 4 Round $12.667 to the nearest cent
5 Add 3.79475 and 739.85 6 Add 12.42, 0.087, and 8.3
7 Subtract 8.693 from 11.41 8 Subtract 287.963 from 410.4511
9 Multiply 3.722 by 0.483 (do not
round off)
10 Multiply $19.75 by 22.45 (round off to the
nearest cent)
In problems 11 and 12, divide to three places and round to the nearest hundredth.
11 Divide 45.88 by 14.2 12 Divide $6.25 by 8.41
In problems 13 and 14, use shortcuts to solve each problem and round to the nearest hundredth.
13 Multiply 86.493 by 100 14 Divide $2,762.35 by 1,000
In problems 15 and 16, pick the best approximate answers from the possible answers.
15 Multiply 48.98 by 11.2 (a) 0.5 (b) 5 (c) 50 (d) 500 (e) 5,000
16 Divide $6.65 by 8.21 (a) $0.008 (b) $0.08 (c) $0.80 (d) $8.00 (e) $80.0
17 DeLois McBryde owns a chain of very large, upscale bookstores. She decides to start selling coffee drinks such
as espresso and cappuccino at one of her stores. During the first day, the store has total sales of $4,188.25. Of the
total, $362.50 was from coffee drinks. How much of the total was from books and other items?
18 Gary Gehlert operates tennis and golf shops at a desert resort. Last year, he started selling on the Internet as well.
He had the following profits last year: Tennis (shop), $52,418.12; Golf (shop), $168,078.51; Tennis (Internet),
$28,570.12; and Golf (Internet), $32,904.82. What were the total profits from these sources?
19 Dean Treggas, a landscape contractor, needed to plant 226 one-gallon plants and 164 five-gallon plants. Dean uses
about 0.8 cubic foot of planting soil for each one-gallon plant and 2.5 cubic feet of planting soil for each five-gallon
plant. How many cubic feet of planting soil will Dean need for all these plants?
20 Planting soil is sold by the cubic yard. To two decimals, how many cubic yards of planting soil will Dean Treggas
need to do his planting in question 19? (Hint: 1 cubic yard equals 27 cubic feet.)
Answers to the Self-Check can be found in Appendix B at the back of the text.