is the decimal point. We say that the number 12.762 has three decimal places because
there are three digits to the right of the decimal point.
Many calculators and all computer spreadsheets permit you to change the number of
decimal places that are displayed. A new calculator may be preset to display exactly two
decimal places because that is how the monetary system is designed. Divide 1 by 3 with
your calculator. The correct answer is 0.333333333 ...repeating number that never
stops. Count the number of 3s that appear in the calculator. That is the number of deci-
mal places your calculator is set to display. Read the instruction manual. Perhaps you can
change the display to show more or fewer decimal places. Note: Your calculator also dis-
plays a zero (0) to the left of the decimal point. We follow that same convention in this
book. Every pure decimal number is preceded by a zero (0).
Chapter 3 Decimals 49
Reading decimal numbers, both mixed and pure, is like reading whole numbers: Each
“place,” or column, represents a different value. Starting at the decimal point and read-
ing to the left, the places represent ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on. Starting
at the decimal point and reading to the right, the vocabulary is different: The places rep-
resent tenths, hundredths, thousandths, and so on.
Recall words such as tenths, hundredths, and thousandths from your review of frac-
tions in Chapter 2. As money, the decimal $0.10 represents 10¢, but also . is pro-
nounced as “ten hundredths.” But can be reduced to which is “one tenth.” Like
fractions, the decimal 0.10 is read as “ten hundredths”; the decimal 0.1 is “one tenth.”
At the gasoline pump, the display showed 12.762. As a fraction, it is written . Both
numbers are pronounced “twelve and seven hundred sixty-two thousandths. The deci-
mal point is read as the word “and.”
Figure 3-1 illustrates the place values of the number system on both sides of the
decimal point for the number 607,194.35824. The pure decimal part of the number in
Figure 3-1 is 0.35824, which is pronounced “thirty-five thousand eight hundred twenty-
four hundred-thousandths.”
Reading Decimal Numbers
Read decimal numbers.
Learning Objective
Figure 3-1 Number System on Both Sides of the Decimal Point
4 ones
9 tens
1 hundred
7 thousands
0 ten thousands
6 hundred thousands
3 tenths
5 hundredths
8 thousandths
2 ten-thousandths
4 hundred-thousandths
The entire number in Figure 3-1—607,194.35824—is read as “six hundred seven thou-
sand, one hundred ninety-four and thirty-five thousand eight hundred twenty-four
hundred-thousandths.” For a long number, reciting it orally is inefficient and can be
confusing to the listener. For such a number, it may be better simply to read the digits
and commas, from left to right. The word point is used for the decimal point.
3.1 The U.S.system for weight is not a
pure decimal system.Post office scales
are typically in pounds and ounces.
However,grocery store scales are typi-
cally in pounds and tenths of pounds.
Therefore,some people may be tem-
porarily confused as they move from
scale to scale.
3.2 When numbers are written,the
word and is used only to indicate a
decimal point.But in spoken English,
people commonly use the word and
in other ways, as in “one hundred and
fifty dollars.”Often the word and is
slurred so that the phrase sounds like
“one hundred’n fifty.”This inconsis-
tency of usage is why, when accuracy is
important,it makes sense to read
numbers orally by saying each digit
and using the word point to indicate
the decimal point.
3.3 Remind students that commas are
not used to the right of the decimal
3.4 You might want to mention that
Europeans write a comma instead of
a period for the decimal point and a
period to separate hundreds from
thousands.Also,some calculators
permit you to select either notation