Applied mineralogy and mineral surface analysis
beam can be correlated to the absorbance of the adsorbed species
or to its thickness if the layer is homogeneous. Measurements can
be made by either changing the wavelength of the pump beam to
record absorption spectrum or measuring the deflection of the
beam at a fixed wavelength to obtain dynamics of the formation of
adsorbed layer. The major advantages of this technique are that it is
carried out in-situ and almost real-time measurements can be made.
The major disadvantages are that the system has to be quiescent (no
stirring) throughout measurements, measurements are carried out in
the absence of electrolytes and that no chemical compositional
information is obtained.
XXPPSS aanndd AAuuggeerr EElleeccttrroonn SSppeeccttrroossccooppyy ((AAEESS))
, which have been
used extensively often with much success for the past two decades,
are two of the techniques that can provide quantitative direct
elemental composition of mineral surfaces and oxidation states.
In XPS, the mineral sample is irradiated with monochromatic X-ray
photons, and the kinetic energy of the ejected electrons from the
sample is measured with an electron energy analyzer. Binding ener-
gies of the electrons are then calculated from kinetic energies using
the energy of the exciting radiation and the work function of the
spectrophotometer. The binding energies are characteristic of the
elements comprising the sample surface and the chemical environ-
ment of the elements in question. The sampling depth of conven-
tional XPS is 20-30 atomic layers or less, and the surface sensitivity
is dictated by the kinetic energy of the X-rays from the source
(which is limited by the X-ray tube used; for ex. ~1487 eV for AlKα).
A more advanced XPS technique is one where
ssyynncchhrroottrroonn rraaddiiaattiioonn
is used instead of X-ray tube. SR provides a wide and continu-
ous energy spectrum thereby affording tunable, sufficiently low
kinetic energies and the resultant high resolution and reasonable
measurement times. By using several different excitation energies,
SR-XPS provides the possibility to obtain a depth profile.
Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) is a non-destructive high-
vacuum method of surface chemical analysis. In this technique, the
mineral sample is bombarded with a beam of electrons (energy
~2000-3000 eV), which results in ejection of Auger electrons from
elements in the top atomic layers of the surface. The energy of the
Auger electrons (typically <2000 eV and independent of the energy
of the primary electron beam), which is characteristic of its source
element, is then measured. A variation of the conventional AES is
SSccaannnniinngg AAu
uggeerr MMiiccrroossccooppyy ((SSAAMM))
which combines physical
imaging of the surface, as in scanning electron microscopy, with
surface chemical analysis of particles. SAM uses a focused electron
beam with energies in the 5-50 keV range to cause ionization of