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landslide 178
Lane Shale (Missourian) 557
Lansing-Kansas City Group (Pennsylvanian) 395 398 407
Laplace’s problem 296
Laramie Range (Wyoming) 153 279
large-sample statistics 68
Larrea tridentata (creosote bush) 445
latent factor (factor analysis) 527
latent value (See eigenvalue.)
latent vector (See eigenvector.)
“law of proportionate effect” 101
lead (Pb) 97 101 448
lease tract 303
least squares 191 382 385 407 462
- piecewise linear 384
- piecewise quadratic (gridding procedure) 384
Leduc Formation (Devonian) 403
LEDUC.TXT 371 406 411
level of significance 62
leveling (time series) 276
Ligonodina (conodont) 364
likelihood 12
Lilliefors procedure 109
limestone 88 127 160 168 172 220 243
444 581
line power spectrum 270 275
lineament 313 326
- drift 259 429 433
- interpolation 163
- projection (gridding) 385
- regression 199 203 273 283 288 464
- semivariogram model 261 435