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finite element analysis 378
Finland 316 325
first-order Markov property 172
first-order stationarity (time series) 276
Fisher County (Texas) 304
Fisher distribution 341
Fisher, Sir Ronald 75
fit, lack of 198 211 228 413
fixed-effects model (Model I) 83
fixed probability vector 170 173
Florida (USA) 93 96 220 285
fluid flow 349
fluoride 118
fold 327
formline structural map 396
forward selection 469
Fourier, Jean Baptiste 266
- analysis 266 276 351 359 365 447 590
- shape measurement 359
- spectrum 270 272 353 359 361 364 447
- transformation, circular 361
fractal analysis 342 447
fractal dimension 342
fractional powers of matrices 131
fracture 340 348 445
France 254
Fremont County (Wyoming) 281
frequency 267
frequency analysis [See Fourier analysis.]
freshwater 251 282 589
Frisbee Limestone (Missourian) 557
Front Range (of Rocky Mountains, USA) 250