148 A. Pramanik et al.
Kishawy et al. [45] developed an energy-based analytical force model to pre-
dict force in the cutting direction for orthogonal cutting of an MMC using a ce-
ramic tool at low cutting speed. The total specific energy for deformation was
estimated from the energy consumed in the primary and secondary shear zones
(which depended on the matrix matrial) and the energy due to debonding/fracture
of the particles (which depended on the MMC properties). Only the force in the
cutting direction was calculated form the total energy consumed in machining.
This model has several weaknesses. Firstly, the energy in the secondary deforma-
tion zone was taken to be one-third of that in the primary deformation zone. This
assumption was based on the results obtained for (monolithic) steel work materials
which may not be applicable to MMCs. Secondly, the width of crack and, initial
and final crack lengths of ceramic particles were 1 μm, 1 μm and the circumfer-
ence of a particle respectively. However, no information was given to justify these
assumptions. Thirdly, the model was only verified at low cutting speed (60 m/min)
because of the use of ceramic tools in their tests. In addition, energy due to
ploughing was not considered.
Pramanik et al. [29] developed a mechanics model for predicting the forces of
cutting particle reinforced MMCs based on material removal mechanism. The
force generation mechanism was considered to be due to three factors: (a) chip
formation, (b) ploughing and (c) particle fracture/debonding. The chip formation
force was obtained by using Merchant’s analysis but those due to matrix plough-
ing deformation and particle fracture were formulated, respectively, with the aid of
the slip-line field theory of plasticity and the Griffith theory of fracture. This
model is now discussed.
As noted earlier, there are similarities in the chip formation mechanism of
MMCs to that of monolithic materials such as aluminium or steel. It should be
noted that, during machining, shearing occurs in a zone rather than on a plane.
However, at higher cutting speeds, the thickness of the shear zone reduces and
hence it can be approximated by a shear plane [22]. Due to the simplicity of the
shear plane models and relatively high cutting speeds normally used when ma-
chining MMCs with PCD tools, Pramanik et al. [29] selected Merchant’s analysis
[60] to determine the chip formation forces. In Merchant’s analysis, the chip is
considered as a separate body in equilibrium under the action of two equal, oppos-
ing forces: the force which the tool exerts on the back surface of the chip and that
which the workpiece exerts on the base of the chip at the shear plane (AB in Fig-
ure 5.19). Thus the force components acting on the tool in the direction of cutting,
, and that in the direction of feed (thrust), F
, were determined using the equa-
tions given below [60]:
cc s c
tc s c
cos( )
sin cos( )
sin( )
sin cos( )
The theory is limited to orthogonal cutting with plane face tools having a single straight
cutting edge.