serious violence, however, was avoided when poet Allen Ginsberg led a chanting
crowd out of Lincoln Park.
August 25 was the Yippie Festival of Life. The only rock band to appear was the
Detroit-based MC5, but the logistics for staging a rock concert provoked confron-
tation with police when Hoffman att empted to move a flatbed truck into Lincoln
Park to serve as a stage. After several skirmishes, Hoffman declared that the police
had prevented t he musical festival. M eanwhil e, a projected ma rch scheduled by
Mobe for the Conrad Hilton Hotel, where many of the Democratic delegates were
staying, was only able to garner approximately 300 participants. The police, how-
ever, still halted the march at Grant Park near the hotel. The da y concluded w ith
violent confrontations as the police employed tear gas and batons to clear the
parks after curfew, with the fighting carrying over into nearby neighborhoods
and streets. Forced out of Lincoln Park, protesters congregated at the intersection
of Clark and LaSalle streets, where they taunted police. Ordere d to clear Clark
Street and keep traffic flowing, the police used batons to beat the de monstrators,
who responded with acts of vandalism.
The following evening of August 26, the violence escalated as the police
attacked approximately 3,000 demonstrators, who at the urging of Hoffman
refused to vacate Lincoln Park. Despite Hoffman’s exhortations, t he police suc-
cessfully forced the crowd out of the park and into the streets, where skirmishes
continued for much of the ni ght. Mobe leader Tom Hayden, who coauthored the
SDS manifesto Th e Port Huron Statement, was arr ested for allegedly letting the
air out of the tires on a police vehicle.
Protesters were back in Lincoln Park at sunrise on August 27 for chants, pray-
ers, and meditation led by Allen Ginsberg. Later that day, Black Panther leader
Bobby Seale addressed the crowd and urged resistance to the Chicago police.
Meanwhile, Mobe leaders clashed with Hoffman, who argued for the abandon-
ment of nonviolence in light of the tactics used by the Chicago police. Peace, how-
ever, remained the theme at the Chicago Coliseum , where approximately 4,000
people listed to David Dellinger, folksinger Phil Ochs, novelist William Bur-
roughs, and other representatives of the antiwar movement. Meanwhile, the
nightly ritual of the police closing Lincoln Park continued unabated.
The crescendo of convention violence was reached on Wedn esday, August 28,
as the Democrats nominated Hubert Humphrey for president and Senator Edmund
Muskie of Maine for vice president. Hoffman was arrested that morning for public
indecency as he had written the word “fuck” on his forehead. According to the
Yippie leader, he w as attempting to discourage the media from photographing
him. In the afternoon, Dellinger, Davis, Seale, and Hayden addressed a la rge
crowd at Grant Park, near the convention headquarters hotel, the Conrad Hilton.
Hayd en impl ored the crowd to take their protest to the streets. At approximately
1012 Chicago Riots (1968)