against using this prior and insteadrecommends bounded uniform or folded
non-central t (or normal) priors on σ (not σ
). All the proper priors for vari-
ances described above can be used in WinBUGS.
Priors for a covariance/correlation matrix
For the p–dimensional covariance matrix for a multivariate normal model
(Example 2.3), the two most common default choices are Jeffreys’ prior
p(Σ) ∝|Σ|
and the ‘just proper’ Wishart distribution on Σ
,whichhas degrees of free-
dom ν equal to p.Thelatter choice avoids concerns about the propriety of
the posterior that arise when using improper priors (and can be used in Win-
BUGS), but requires providing a value for the scale matrix Σ
is difficultand, as a default, is often chosen to be a diagonal matrix with
marginal variances chosen to be roughly consistent with the variation in the
data or chosen based on be the maximum likelihood estimator of Σ.Unfor-
tunately, this prior can only be made noninformative to a limited extent; the
minimum value for ν is p,whichcanbethought of as apriorsample size. So,
if p is large and the sample size is small, this prior may be more informative
than desired (Daniels and Kass, 1999). Other default priors proposed in the
literature include the reference prior of Yang and Berger (1994) which, though
it has good frequentist properties, is improper and lacks the conditional con-
jugacy property of the Wishart.
For two-level models with a normal distribution on the random effects (for
example, the models in Examples 2.1 and 2.2), common choices are the just
proper Wishart prior (again) and the flat prior, p(Σ) ∝ 1(Eversonand Morris,
2000). Other priors proposed recently include a modification to the reference
priorofYang and Berger (Berger, Strawderman, and Tang, 2005) and the
approximate uniform shrinkage prior (Natarajan and Kass, 2000).
Advantages of Jeffreys’ and the flat prior as default choices are that they
are both conditionally conjugate and do not require the choice of a scale
matrix, Σ
.However, they are both improper and not available in WinBUGS.
Priors for the parameters in a structured covariance matrix, e.g., a first-
order autoregressive covariance structure, have been examinined in Monahan
(1983) and Ghosh and Heo (2003); specifying structure can be viewed as a very
strong prior restricting Σ to be within a certain classofcovariancemodels
(Daniels, 2005); see Further Reading for more details.
Default priors for p–dimensional correlation matrices, which are needed for
multivariate probit models (Example 2.6), have been proposed by Barnard et
al. (2000), who consider either a joint prior that induces marginal uniform
priors on the individual correlations in the correlation matrix or a uniform
prior on the space of correlation matrices. Neither is (conditionally) conjugate,
but both are proper. The latter is a uniform prior on the compact subspace