Although this is primarily a researchmonograph, we expect that it will
be asuitable supplemental text for graduate courses on longitudinal data,
missing data, or Bayesian inference. We have used material from the book for
our own graduate courses atUniversityofFlorida and Brown University.
The book is composed of ten chapters, roughly divided intothreemain parts.
Chapters 1 through 4 make up the first part, which covers needed background
material. Chapter 1 provides detailed descriptions of motivating examples
that are used throughout the book; Chapters 2 and 3 provide background on
longitudinal data models and Bayesian inference, respectively; and Chapter 4
illustrates key concepts with worked data analysis examples.
The second part includes Chapters 5 through 7; it introduces missing data
mechanisms for longitudinal data settings, and gives in-depth treatment of in-
ference under the ignorability assumption. Chapter 5 gives detailed coverage
of Rubin’s missing data taxonomy (Rubin, 1976) applied to longitudinal data,
including MAR, ignorability, and implications for posterior inference. The no-
tion of a full-data model is introduced, and the chapter primarily describes
assumptions that are needed to infer features or parameters of the full-data
model from incomplete data. Chapter 6 discusses inference under the ignora-
bility assumption, with emphasis on the importance of covariance modeling.
In Chapter 7, several case studies are used to illustrate.
Chapters 8 through 10 make up the third part, where the focus shifts to
nonignorable missingness. In Chapters 8and9,wereiterate the central idea
that inference about a full-data distribution from incomplete data requires
untestable assumptions. We divide the full-data distribution into an observed-
data model and an extrapolation model, and introduce sensitivity parameters
that govern the untestable assumptions about the extrapolation. Chapter 8
reviews common approaches such as selection models, mixture models, and
shared parameter models, and focuses on parameterization of missing data
assumptions in each model.
In Chapter 8, the primary focus is on the likelihood (data model), whereas
Chapter 9 is concerned with formulation of priors that reflect assumptions
about missing data.InChapter 9, we show how to construct priors that reflect
specific missing data mechanisms (MAR, MNAR), how to center the models
at MAR, and give suggestions about calibrating the priors. Both mixture and
selection modeling approaches are addressed. Finally, Chapter 10 provides
three detailed case studies that illustrate analyses under MNAR.
We began this project in 2005; prior to that and since then, we have benefited
from friendship, cooperation and support of family, friends and colleagues.
Ourresearch in this area has been encouraged and positively influenced
by interactions with many colleagues in statistics and biostatistics; Alicia
Carriquiry, Peter Diggle, ConstantineGatsonis,RobKass,NanLaird, Tony