Levels of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tryptophan (TRYPT) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid
(5-HIAA) concentrations were also obtained.
Solution: The independent variables are the concentrations of TRYPT and 5-HIAA,
and the dependent variable is the dichotomous response for onset of exces-
sive alcohol use. We use SPSS software to analyze the data. The output is
presented in Figure 11.4.3.
The equation can be written as
Note that the coefficient for TRYPT is 0, and therefore it is not playing a role in the
Test of H0 that
Tests for significance of the regression coefficients can be obtained directly from Figure
11.4.3. Note that both the constant (intercept) and the 5-HIAA variables are significant
in the model (both have p values, noted as “Sig.” in the table, .05); however, TRYPT
is not significant and therefore need not be in the model, suggesting that it is not useful
for identifying those study participants with early or late alcoholism onset.
As above, probabilities can be easily obtained by using equation 11.4.7 and sub-
stituting the values obtained from the analysis. ■
Polytomous Logistic Regression Thus far we have limited our discussion
to situations in which there is a dichotomous response variable (e.g., successful or unsuc-
cessful). Often we have a situation in which multiple categories make up the response.
We may, for example, have subjects that are classified as positive, negative, and unde-
termined for a given disease (a standard polytomous response). There may also be times
when we have a response variable that is ordered. We may, for example, classify our
subjects by BMI as underweight, ideal weight, overweight, or obese (an ordinal polyto-
mous response). The modeling process is slightly more complex and requires the use of
a computer program. For those interested in exploring these valuable methods further,
we recommend the book by Hosmer and Lemeshow (1).
Further Reading We have discussed only the basic concepts and applications
of logistic regression. The technique has much wider application. Stepwise regression
analysis may be used with logistic regression. There are also techniques available for
= 2.076 - .013x
+ 0x
Parameter B S.E. Wald Df Sig. Exp(B)
5-HIAA .013 .006 5.878 1 .015 .987
TRYPT .000 .000 .000 1 .983 1.000
Constant 2.076 1.049 3.918 1 .048 7.970
FIGURE 11.4.3 SPSS output for the data in Example 11.4.3.