or businesses, since the variance in product or project cash flows is positively correlated
with the value of the call option. Thus, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing (3M),
which expends a substantial amount on R&D on basic office products, such as the Post-it
pad, generally receives less value for its research than does Intel, whose research
primarily concerns semi-conductor chips. Second, the value of research and the optimal
amount to be spent on research will change over time as businesses mature. The best
example is the pharmaceutical industry - pharmaceutical companies spent most of the
1980s investing substantial amounts in research and earning high returns on new
products, as the health care business expanded. In the 1990s, however, as health care
costs started leveling off and the business matured, many of these companies found that
they were not getting the same payoffs on research and started cutting back.
6.10. ☞: R & D Expenditures and Option Pricing
If we perceive research and development expenses as the price of acquiring options
(product patents), research and development expenditure will have most value if directed
a. areas where the technology is stable and the likelihood of success is high
b. areas where the technology is volatile, though the likelihood of success is low
c. Neither
In Practice: Are strategic considerations really options?
Many firms, faced with projects that do not meet their financial benchmarks, use
the argument that these projects should be taken anyway because of “strategic
considerations”. In other words, it is argued that these projects will accomplish other
goals for the firm or allow the firm to enter into other markets. While we are leery of how
this argument is used to justify poor projects, there are cases where these strategic
considerations are really referring to options embedded in projects - options to produce
new products or expand into new markets.
Take the example of the Disney Channel project described above. The project,
based upon conventional capital budgeting, has a negative net present value, but it should