Note that the net present value of 31,542 million Bt is exactly equal to the dollar net
present value computed in illustration 5.12, converted at the current exchange rate of
42.09 Bt per dollar.
NPV in dollars = NPV in Bt/ Current exchange rate = 31,542/42.09 = $749 million
Terminal Value, Salvage Value and Net Present Value
When estimating cashflows for an individual project, practicality constrains us to
estimate cashflows for a finite period – 3,5 or 10 years, for instance. At the end of that
finite period, we can make one of three assumptions.
• The most conservative one is that the project ceases to exist and that its assets are
worthless. In that case, the final year of operation will reflect only the operating
cashflows from that year.
• We can assume that the project will end at the end of the analysis period and that the
assets will be sold for salvage. While we can try to estimate salvage value directly, a
common assumption that is made is that salvage value is equal to the book value of
the assets. For fixed assets, this will be the undepreciated portion of the initial
investment whereas for working capital, it will be the aggregate value of the
investments made in working capital over the course of the project life.
• We can also assume that the project will not end at the end of the analysis period and
try to estimate the value of the project on an ongoing basis – this is the terminal value.
In the Disney theme park analysis, for instance, we assumed that the cashflows will
continue forever and grow at the inflation rate each year. If that seems too optimistic,
we can assume that the cashflows will continue wth no growth or even that they will
drop by a constant rate each year.
The right approach to use will depend upon the project being analyzed. For projects that
are not expected to last for long periods, we can use either of the first two approaches; a
zero salvage value should be used if the project assets are likely to become obsolete by
the end of the project life (example: computer hardware) and salvage can be set to book
value if the assets are likely to retain significant value (example: buildings).
For projects with long lives, the terminal value approach is likely to yield more
reasonable results but with one caveat. The investment and maintenance assumptions
made in the analysis should reflect its long life. In particular, capital maintenance