The initial investment of $1.15 million is made sometime in the third year, leading to a
payback of between two and three years. If we assume that cashflows occur uniformly
over the course of the year:
Payback for Project = 2 + (395000/446500) = 2.88 years
Using Payback in Decision Making
While it is uncommon for firms to make investment decisions based solely on the
payback, surveys suggest that some businesses do in fact use payback as their primary
decision mechanism. In those situations where payback is used as the primary criterion
for accepting or rejecting projects, a “maximum” acceptable payback period is typically
set. Projects that pay back their initial investment sooner than this maximum are
accepted, while projects that do not are rejected.
Firms are much more likely to employ payback as a secondary investment
decision rule and use it either as a constraint in decision making (e.g.: Accept projects
that earn a return on capital of at least 15%, as long as the payback is less than 10 years)
or to choose between projects that score equally well on the primary decision rule (e.g.:
when two mutually exclusive projects have similar returns on equity, choose the one with
the lower payback.)
Biases, Limitations, and Caveats
The payback rule is a simple and intuitively appealing decision rule, but it does
not use a significant proportion of the information that is available on a project.
• By restricting itself to answering the question “When will this project make its initial
investment?” it ignores what happens after the initial investment is recouped. This is a
significant shortcoming when deciding between mutually exclusive projects. To
provide a sense of the absurdities this can lead to, assume that you are picking
between two mutually exclusive projects with the cash flows shown in Figure 5.2: