5.2 Serial Systems Decomposition 129
per patient is 15 patients per hour) and thus the average number of patients in
the first node is WIP(1)=4/11 (use Eq. 3.11). The second node has a utiliza-
tion factor of u
= 2/3 yielding WIP(2)=2 (again use Eq. 3.11). For the third
node, we first find the time spent waiting for the doctor. This is given by Prop-
erty 3.4 and yields CT
(3)=42.67 min since u
= 0.8. Adding the doctor’s time
to the wait time (Eq. 3.21) yields the time spent in third node as CT (3)=1.11
hr. Applying Little’s Law (Property 2.1) gives the average number of patients at
the node as WIP( 3)=4.44. Thus, the total number in the emergency room is
= 4/11 + 2 + 4.44 = 6.8. Applying Little’s Law one more time, yields the av-
erage value for the total time a patient spends in the emergency room as CT
= 1.7
Although the analysis approach used in Example 5.2 is exact only under the as-
sumptions of infinite capacity nodes and exponential distributions for inter-arrivals
and processing times, it provides the motivation for approximation schemes when
these assumptions do not hold. The analysis approach for general systems is based
on the concept that a system’s performance can be adequately approximated by sep-
arating the system into individual workstations. The performance characteristics of
the individual workstations are computed separately and then these results recom-
bined for the total system behavior. This decomposition approach is fundamental to
the approximation of general network configurations. The reasons that this decom-
position approach is only an approximation are two-fold: first, Property 5.2 is an
approximation and second, the successive inter-departure times are not independent
except for the M/M/c/∞ case.
The decomposition approach is predicated on being able to establish the indi-
vidual workstation parameters needed for using Property 3.3 or 3.6. The required
data are the parameter set (E[T
(i)], C
(i), c
, E[T
(i)], C
(i)) for each workstation
i. The first three parameters are specified data for the workstation. The last two pa-
rameters in the s et are for the job arrival stream into the workstation. These two
inter-arrival distribution parameters need to be estimated from the departure flows
from the upstream workstations and, of course, the network structure. For serial
systems, the outflow from one workstation is the direct inflow into the next, so this
particular serial network topology allows for a sequential computation of these un-
known parameters. Starting with the known inflow data into the first workstation,
all the necessary data are available and the first workstation’s performance charac-
teristics (from Properties 3.3 or 3.6) and the departure stream characteristics (from
Properties 5.2) can be computed. The second workstation arrival stream character-
istics are made equal to the first workstation’s departure stream. Thus for the second
workstation, the performance information and the departure stream parameters are
obtained. This becomes the needed information for the third workstation, and so
on. (It is now, hopefully, apparent how the topology of the network impacts the
analysis. For a general system structure, the topology is more complex and these
data must be computed simultaneously leading to the development of a system of
equations as seen in Section 5.4 that must be solved to obtain the inter-arrival distri-
bution parameters.) As always, the arrival stream and service characteristics define
the workstation utilization as u
= E[T