116 4 Processing Time Variability
timing of job completions. If a system has reasonable capacity, then the operator ma-
chine interaction problem does not significantly impact system performance. Thus,
this level of detail is frequently omitted in system models. This interaction can, how-
ever, degrade system performance significantly if overlooked. The operator-machine
interaction problem also offers an opportunity to illustrate how multiple resource in-
teractions can be quantified and evaluated.
In the modeling assumptions, only one job class is treated with two identical
machines and one operator. In addition, to simplify the analysis as much as possible,
exponentially distributed times are assumed for job inter-arrival times, job setup
times, and job processing times. Since we need to keep track of two resources,
namely the operator and the machines, a state space that only keeps a record of the
number of jobs in the s ystem does not carry enough information to appropriately
establish the true system state. Specifically, in addition to the number of jobs in the
system, the status of each machine-job combination must be known; that is, the state
of the system must include whether the job is “in setup” or “in processing”. If two
jobs are in the “in setup” status, then only one of them can be actually proceeding
with setup because there there is only one operator.
There is often more than one way to define a state space, so that the particular
definition chosen is up to the modeler. It is good practice to choose a state space
definition that is descriptive so that the individual defining equations for the steady-
state probabilities will be easy to read. One descriptive state definition is to use a
three-tuple for the s tates. Each state is represented as (n , i, j), where n denotes the
number of jobs in the system and i and j indicate the status of the two machines.
There are three possible values for i and j: 0 indicates a machine has no job as-
sociated with it, s indicates that a machine has a job “in setup”, and p indicates a
machine has a job “in process”. For example, the state (1,s,0) indicates that there
is one job in the system and the operator is setting it up on a machine, state ( 5,s,s)
indicates that there are 5 jobs in the system with one job being set-up on a machine,
another job waiting at a machine for the operator, and 3 jobs waiting in the queue for
a machine, and state (7, p, p) indicates 7 jobs in the system with both machines busy
processing, 5 jobs queued, and the operator idle. Because the machines are identi-
cal, it is not necessary to know which machine is processing and which machine is
begin setup.
The state space representation for n ≥ 2 is made up of three individual states:
(n,s,s), (n, s, p), and (n, p, p).Forn = 0, there is no need for all three indices, but
for consistency this state is denoted as (0,0,0).Forn = 1, the possible states are
(1,s,0) and (1, p,0). The states of the system, grouped by number of jobs in the
system, are
{(0,0,0), (1,s,0),(1, p,0), (2,s,s), (2,s, p), (2, p, p), (3,s,s), (3,s, p), (3, p, p), ···}.
The inter-arrival time, setup time, and service time distributions are all assumed
to be exponentially distributed. The mean rates for these three processes are denoted
, and
, respectively. Note that if both machines are processing (indepen-
dently), the mean output rate for the system is 2
. If both machines are being setup,