The image should be of sufficiently high resolution to allow all details of the painting to
be analysed, including craquelure. There is no recommended pixel-per-millimetre guide-
line; however, previous studies have focussed on small sections of paintings by using
between 6 (Bonifazzi, 2005) and 18 pixels/mm (Scholten et al., 2005), and up to
40 pixels/mm for areas with a fine network of cracks (Saunders and Cupitt, 1993). While
placing the camera closer to the painting increases the pixels/mm value, the field of view
is reduced, and the area of interest is subdivided into a large number of images. With pixels
of size 9 µm or less, as encountered on the SBIG camera, the resolution is considered simi-
lar to that of photographic colour film (Greiner, 2000). As the resolution of the image
depends on the camera-to-object distance, 150 cm achieves a resolution of 4.34 pixels/mm.
This was deemed sufficient for most small paintings studied, with a field of view of
276 mm ¥ 414 mm. The resolution may be increased by moving the camera closer,
e.g. 6.58 pixels/mm at 100 cm. The benefit of working from a longer distance is that the
entire painting can be captured in one image. The importance of keeping both easel and
camera perfectly aligned was demonstrated when calculating pixels per millimetre; the
slightest forward or backward tilt of the grid plane caused distortion (lengthening/shortening)
of the vertical axis. Both camera and surface measured must thus be level and parallel.
While this may be corrected by geometric transformation and pixel interpolation, this step
becomes unnecessary through correct and consistent camera placement. The camera is
therefore positioned in the same vertical axis as the painting, using a sturdy tripod so
that the positioning grid surrounding the area of interest fits squarely onto the monitoring
3.6.3. Calibration
With appropriate calibration, the above CCD and filter system become a spatial spec-
trophotometer (Baronti et al., 1997; Imai et al., 2000; Bell et al., 2002; Day, 2003a; Roselli
and Testa, 2005). To overcome variable response due to a combination of unequal inten-
sity in the QTH source, unequal transmission of filters, and sensitivity of the CCD chip,
basic calibration must be performed for all image collection events. For calibration, a 99%
nominal reflectance Spectralon tile of 10 cm
is included in each image. Spectralon stan-
dards have a known reflectance constant over the range 250–2500 nm with a flatness of
within ± 4% (Baronti et al., 1998). A background image, or dark frame (0%), is also made
before each image by blocking the lens. These images are subtracted from the rest of the
image to improve signal to noise. Using the spectral reflection reference tile and corrected
adjustments, reflectance (R) can be computed for each pixel of the image:
where P the certified spectral reflectance of a neutral diffuser, e.g. 99%, and V
, and V
are the detector signals for the captured sample, dark frame, and refer-
ence, respectively. V
and V
permit instrument adjustment and must be repeated
before each session (Carcagni et al., 2005). Calibration is thus achieved by measuring