Recall that the even terms are all 0. The first term by far dominates, this makes sense
since the first term already looks very, very similar to the parabola. Recall that n
in an exponential, making the higher terms even smaller for time not too close to 0.
Change of Variables
As with ODEs, a PDE (or more accurately, the IBVP as a whole) may be made more
amenable with the help of some kind of modification of variables. So far, we've dealt
only with boundary conditions that specify the value of u, which represented fluid
velocity, as zero at the boundaries. Though fluid mechanics can get more complicated
than that (understatement of the millennium), let's look at heat transfer now for the sake
of variety.
As hinted previously, the one dimensional diffusion equation can also describe heat flow
in one dimension. Think of how heat could flow in one dimension: one possibility is a rod
that's completely laterally insulated, so that the heat will flow only along the rod and not
across it (be aware, though, it is possible to consider heat loss/gain along the rod without
going two dimensional).
If this rod has finite length, heat could flow in and out of the uninsulated ends. A 1D rod
can have at most two ends (it can also have one or zero: the rod could be modeled as
"very long"), and the boundary conditions could specify what happens at these ends. For
example, the temperature could be specified at a boundary, or maybe the flow of heat, or
maybe some combination of the two.
The equation for heat flow is usually given as:
Which is the same as the equation for parallel plate flow, only with ν replaced with α and
y replaced with x.
Fixed Temperatures at Boundaries
Let's consider a rod of length 1, with temperatures specified (fixed) at the boundaries.
The IBVP is: