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Concise Hydrology
5. Groundwater
5.1.5 Confined aquifer
It is an aquifer found between two relatively impermeable layers.
5.1.6 Artesian aquifer/well
It is a confined aquifer containing groundwater that will flow upward through a well, called an artesian
well, without the need for pumping. Water may even reach the ground surface if the natural pressure is
high enough, in which case the well is called a flowing artesian well.
5.1.7 Water well
A water well is an excavation or structure created in the ground by digging, driving, boring or drilling
to access groundwater in underground aquifers.
5.1.8 Borehole
It is a narrow shaft drilled in the ground as part of a groundwater site assessment.
5.1.9 Piezometric surface
The imaginary surface that everywhere coincides with the piezometric head of the water in the aquifer.
In areas of artesian ground water, it is above the land surface.
5.1.10 Base flow
Base flow is the portion of stream flow that comes from groundwater. It sustains flows in a river
during the dry periods between rainstorms.
5.1.11 Groundwater Recharge
The natural or intentional infiltration (percolation) of surface water into the groundwater system.
5.1.12 Fossil water
Fossil water is groundwater that has remained in an aquifer for thousands or even millions of years.
When geologic changes seal the aquifer off from further recharging, the water becomes trapped inside.