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Concise Hydrology
Appendix: Further Reading Resources
Linsley, R.K., Franzini, J.B., Freyberg, D.L. and Tchobanoglous, G. 1992, Water Resources
Engineering, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill
NERC-Wallingford site,
Skeat, W.O. and Danerfield, B.J. 1969, Manual of British Water Engineering Practice, Fourth Edition,
Volume II, Edited book, W. Heffer & Sons Ltd., Cambridge, England
Steel, E.W. and McGhee, T.J. 1979, Water Supply and Sewerage, Fifth Edition, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, 1979
Twort, A.C., Law F.M., Crowley, F.W. and Ratnayaka, D.D. 1994, Water Supply, Edward Arnold,
London, Fourth Edition
Viessman, W. and Lewis, G 1996, Introduction to Hydrology, HarperCollins College Publishers
Wikipedia, 2009, ‘hydrological cycle’, ‘Drainage basin’, ‘precipitation’, ‘Evaporation’,
‘Evapotranspiration’,’ Eddy covariance’, ‘groundwater’, ‘aquifer’, ‘water table’, ‘MODFLOW’,
‘FEMFLOW’, ‘MIKE SHE’, ‘hydrograph’, ‘time series, ‘Nyquist frequency’, ‘Aliasing’, 'Probability',
‘Return period’, reservoir’, etc.
Wilson, E.M. 1983, Engineering Hydrology, 3rd Edition, Macmillan Publishers, UK