Краткий курс гидрологии для инженеров (Английский язык)
Concise Hydrology
1. Introduction
1.1 Hydrological Cycle
1.2 Key Hydrological Processes
1.3 Common Units
1.4 Water Distribution in Space and Time
1.5 Water Balance
1.6 Catchment
1.7 Practice
2. Precipitation
2.1 Atmosphere Water
2.2 Precipitation Types
2.3 Rain drop size and velocity
2.4 Precipitation data
2.5 Double Mass Curve
2.6 Areal Rainfall
2.6.1 Arithmetic Mean
2.6.2 Thiessen Polygon Method
2.6.3 Isohyetal Method
2.6.4 Geostatistics
3. Evaporation and Evapotranspiration
3.1 Relevant Basic Terms
3.1.1 Flux
3.1.2 Radiation emission
3.1.3 Net radiation
3.1.4 Vapour pressure and relative humidity
3.1.5 Sensible heat
3.1.6 Latent heat
3.2 Evaporation from Open Water Surface
3.2.1 Energy balance method
3.2.2 Aerodynamic method
3.2.3 Combined method
3.3 Evapotranspiration from Land
3.4 Field measurement
3.4.1 Pan
3.4.2 Lysimeter
3.4.3 Eddy covariance
3.4.4 Catchment/reservoir water balance
4. Infiltration
4.1 Relevant Basic Terms
4.1.1 Porosity
4.1.2 Soil moisture content
4.1.3 Vadose zone (unsaturated zone)
4.1.4 Field capacity
4.1.5Soil moisture deficit (SMD)
4.1.6 Darcy’s law (saturated soil)
4.1.7 Pore velocity in soil
4.1.8 Darcy’s law (unsaturated soil)
4.2 Infiltration Process
4.3 Estimation of Infiltration Rate
4.3.1 Horton’s Equation (1940)
4.3.2 Index
4.3.3 Green-Ampt method
4.4 Infiltration measurements
4.4.1 Infiltrometer
4.4.2 Artificial rain simulation
5. Groundwater
5.1 Basic Terms
5.1.1 Aquifer
5.1.2 Water table
5.1.3 Aquitard
5.1.4 Unconfined aquifer
5.1.5 Confined aquifer
5.1.6 Artesian aquifer/well
5.1.7 Water well
5.1.8 Borehole
5.1.9 Piezometric surface
5.1.10 Base flow
5.1.11 Groundwater Recharge
5.1.12 Fossil water
5.2 Characteristics of Confined/Unconfined Groundwater
5.3 The Basic Flow Equations
5.4 Steady Flow
5.4.1 Unconfined flow to a well
5.4.2 Confined flow to a well
5.5 Unsteady Flow
5.6 Computer Software
5.6.2 FEFLOW
5.6.3 MIKE SHE
6. Hydrograph
6.1 Basic Terms
6.1.1 River Runoff
6.1.2 Infiltration excess runoff
6.1.3 Saturation excess runoff
6.1.4 Direct runoff
6.1.5 Hydrograph components
6.2 Flow Event Separation
6.3 Direct Runoff and Base Flow Separation
6.4 Effective Rainfall (Net Rainfall)
6.4.1 The ? index method
6.4.2 The initial and continuing losses
6.4.3 The proportional losses
6.4.4 Soil moisture accounting scheme
6.5 Direct Runoff Modeling (Unit Hydrograph)
6.5.1 Unit hydrograph definition
6.5.2 Unit hydrograph application
6.5.3 Unit hydrograph estimation
6.5.4 Unit hydrograph duration change (S-Curve)
6.5.5 Synthetic unit hydrograph
7. Flow Routing
7.1 Basic Equations
7.2 River Flow Routing (The Muskingum Method)
7.2.1 The outflow equation
7.2.2 Estimation of K and X
7.3 Reservoir Flow Routing
8. Hydrological Measurements
8.1 Basic terms
8.1.1 Time series
8.1.2 Time domain
8.1.3 Frequency domain
8.1.4 Spatial data
8.1.5 Spatial time series
8.1.6 Aliasing
8.1.7 Nyquist frequency
8.2 Land based measurements
8.2.1 Rain gauge
8.2.2 Snow pillow
8.2.3 Evaporation pan
8.2.4 Lysimeter
8.2.5 River weir/flume
8.2.6 Soil moisture sensors
8.2.7 Infiltrometer
8.2.8 Radiation sensors
8.2.9 Anemometer
8.2.10 Air Temperature
8.2.11 Hygrometer
8.2.12 Barometer
8.2.13 Weather radar
8.3 Air based measurements
8.3.1 Weather balloon
8.3.2 Aircraft
8.4 Space based measurements
8.4.1 Orbit
8.4.2 Spectrum
8.4.3 Passive and active microwave
8.4.4 Validation
8.5 Transportable Weather Station
9. Hydrological Statistics
9.1 Basic Terms
9.1.1 Probability
9.1.2 Retu Period
9.1.3 Probability relationship
9.1.4 Probability distribution
9.2 Statistical Flood Estimation
9.2.1 Empirical probability
9.2.2 General procedure for flood estimation
9.3 Statistical Rainfall Estimation
10. Hydrological Design
10.1 Reservoir and dam
10.2 Basic design procedures
10.2.1 Water demand
10.2.2 Catchment yield
10.2.3 Reservoir storage estimation
10.2.4 Dam height
Appendix: Further reading resources
Concise Hydrology
1. Introduction
1.1 Hydrological Cycle
1.2 Key Hydrological Processes
1.3 Common Units
1.4 Water Distribution in Space and Time
1.5 Water Balance
1.6 Catchment
1.7 Practice
2. Precipitation
2.1 Atmosphere Water
2.2 Precipitation Types
2.3 Rain drop size and velocity
2.4 Precipitation data
2.5 Double Mass Curve
2.6 Areal Rainfall
2.6.1 Arithmetic Mean
2.6.2 Thiessen Polygon Method
2.6.3 Isohyetal Method
2.6.4 Geostatistics
3. Evaporation and Evapotranspiration
3.1 Relevant Basic Terms
3.1.1 Flux
3.1.2 Radiation emission
3.1.3 Net radiation
3.1.4 Vapour pressure and relative humidity
3.1.5 Sensible heat
3.1.6 Latent heat
3.2 Evaporation from Open Water Surface
3.2.1 Energy balance method
3.2.2 Aerodynamic method
3.2.3 Combined method
3.3 Evapotranspiration from Land
3.4 Field measurement
3.4.1 Pan
3.4.2 Lysimeter
3.4.3 Eddy covariance
3.4.4 Catchment/reservoir water balance
4. Infiltration
4.1 Relevant Basic Terms
4.1.1 Porosity
4.1.2 Soil moisture content
4.1.3 Vadose zone (unsaturated zone)
4.1.4 Field capacity
4.1.5Soil moisture deficit (SMD)
4.1.6 Darcy’s law (saturated soil)
4.1.7 Pore velocity in soil
4.1.8 Darcy’s law (unsaturated soil)
4.2 Infiltration Process
4.3 Estimation of Infiltration Rate
4.3.1 Horton’s Equation (1940)
4.3.2 Index
4.3.3 Green-Ampt method
4.4 Infiltration measurements
4.4.1 Infiltrometer
4.4.2 Artificial rain simulation
5. Groundwater
5.1 Basic Terms
5.1.1 Aquifer
5.1.2 Water table
5.1.3 Aquitard
5.1.4 Unconfined aquifer
5.1.5 Confined aquifer
5.1.6 Artesian aquifer/well
5.1.7 Water well
5.1.8 Borehole
5.1.9 Piezometric surface
5.1.10 Base flow
5.1.11 Groundwater Recharge
5.1.12 Fossil water
5.2 Characteristics of Confined/Unconfined Groundwater
5.3 The Basic Flow Equations
5.4 Steady Flow
5.4.1 Unconfined flow to a well
5.4.2 Confined flow to a well
5.5 Unsteady Flow
5.6 Computer Software
5.6.2 FEFLOW
5.6.3 MIKE SHE
6. Hydrograph
6.1 Basic Terms
6.1.1 River Runoff
6.1.2 Infiltration excess runoff
6.1.3 Saturation excess runoff
6.1.4 Direct runoff
6.1.5 Hydrograph components
6.2 Flow Event Separation
6.3 Direct Runoff and Base Flow Separation
6.4 Effective Rainfall (Net Rainfall)
6.4.1 The ? index method
6.4.2 The initial and continuing losses
6.4.3 The proportional losses
6.4.4 Soil moisture accounting scheme
6.5 Direct Runoff Modeling (Unit Hydrograph)
6.5.1 Unit hydrograph definition
6.5.2 Unit hydrograph application
6.5.3 Unit hydrograph estimation
6.5.4 Unit hydrograph duration change (S-Curve)
6.5.5 Synthetic unit hydrograph
7. Flow Routing
7.1 Basic Equations
7.2 River Flow Routing (The Muskingum Method)
7.2.1 The outflow equation
7.2.2 Estimation of K and X
7.3 Reservoir Flow Routing
8. Hydrological Measurements
8.1 Basic terms
8.1.1 Time series
8.1.2 Time domain
8.1.3 Frequency domain
8.1.4 Spatial data
8.1.5 Spatial time series
8.1.6 Aliasing
8.1.7 Nyquist frequency
8.2 Land based measurements
8.2.1 Rain gauge
8.2.2 Snow pillow
8.2.3 Evaporation pan
8.2.4 Lysimeter
8.2.5 River weir/flume
8.2.6 Soil moisture sensors
8.2.7 Infiltrometer
8.2.8 Radiation sensors
8.2.9 Anemometer
8.2.10 Air Temperature
8.2.11 Hygrometer
8.2.12 Barometer
8.2.13 Weather radar
8.3 Air based measurements
8.3.1 Weather balloon
8.3.2 Aircraft
8.4 Space based measurements
8.4.1 Orbit
8.4.2 Spectrum
8.4.3 Passive and active microwave
8.4.4 Validation
8.5 Transportable Weather Station
9. Hydrological Statistics
9.1 Basic Terms
9.1.1 Probability
9.1.2 Retu Period
9.1.3 Probability relationship
9.1.4 Probability distribution
9.2 Statistical Flood Estimation
9.2.1 Empirical probability
9.2.2 General procedure for flood estimation
9.3 Statistical Rainfall Estimation
10. Hydrological Design
10.1 Reservoir and dam
10.2 Basic design procedures
10.2.1 Water demand
10.2.2 Catchment yield
10.2.3 Reservoir storage estimation
10.2.4 Dam height
Appendix: Further reading resources