Absolute maximum, 196
Absolute value
of complex numbers, 291, 408
explanation of, 81, 220, 257
on graphing calculator, 221, 224, 225, A–6
multiplicative property of, 222
of real numbers, A–5 – A–6
Absolute value equations
distance and, 231
explanation of, 275
graphically solving, 226
on graphing calculator, 221
method to solve, 220–222, 275
property of, 220
Absolute value functions, 204, 225, 257
Absolute value inequalities
applications involving, 226–227
distance and, 231
explanation of, 275
graphically solving, 226
on graphing calculators, 226
solutions to “greater than,” 224–225
solutions to “less than,” 223–224
Accumulated value, 540, 543
associative property of, 5, 81
commutative property of, 5, 81
of complex numbers, 284–285
distributive property of multiplication over,
6–7, 285, 768
of matrices, 652–653, 700
of polynomials, 17–18
of radical expressions, 70
of rational expressions, 56–58
Addition method. See Elimination
Addition of ordinates, 351
Additive identity, 5–6, 81
Additive inverse, 6, 81
Additive property
of equality, 25
of inequality, 27–28
of functions, 340–346, 373
fundamental theorem of, 394–397, 399
of matrices, 650–658
Algebraic expressions
evaluation of, 3–4
explanation of, 2
method to simplify, 7
translating English phrases into, 3
Algebraic fractions. See Rational expressions
Algebraic method
explanation of, 482
to find inverse functions, 483–485
Algebraic terms, 2
Algorithm, division, 383
Allometric studies, 241
Amortization, 542–545
Analytical geometry
algebraic tools used in, 708–709
conic section characteristics and, 710–712
distance between point and line and, 709
explanation of, 708, 755
Angles, right, A–14
Annuities, 542–545
Applications. See also Applications index
of absolute value inequalities, 226–227
of algebra of functions, 345–346
of analytic parabolas, 750
of binomial theorem, 834–835
of combinations, 810–811
of composition, 362–363
of data analysis, 170
of difference quotient, 362–364
of direct variation, 262–264
of exponential and logarithmic functions,
492, 498–499, 508–512, 534–535,
of foci of conic sections, 724–725,
of functions, 189
of inequalities, 32, 464–465
of inverse functions, 487
of inverse variation, 265
of joint variation, 266
of linear equations, 31–32, 113–114,
of linear inequalities, 615
of linear programming, 622–625
of matrices, 645–646, 672–673
of piecewise-defined functions, 254–255
of polynomial functions, 405, 421–422
of power functions, 239–242
problem-solving guide for, 157–160
of quadratic equations, 306–307
of quadratic inequalities, 307–308
of rate of change, 332–334, 362–364
of rational functions, 239–242, 439,
of regression, 556–557
of remainder theorem, 390
of sequences, 768–769, 779, 789–791
of series, 790–791
of system of linear equations in three
variables, 598–599
of system of linear equations in two
variables, 582–586
of system of linear inequalities, 619–620
Area. See also Surface area
explanation of, 32, A–14
formulas for, 33, 37, 455, 491, 627, 660,
727, A–14 – A–16
of triangle, 655, 688
Arithmetic sequences
applications of, 779
explanation of, 773, 839
finding nth partial sum in, 777–778
finding nth term of, 774–777
graphs of, 776
identification of, 773–774
Associated minor matrices, 669–670
linear/nonlinear, 166–167
positive and negative, 165
Associative properties, 5, 81
of central hyperbola, A–33
to graph rational functions, 235–236
horizontal, 234, 240, 433–435
oblique or nonlinear, 448–450
vertical, 235, 240, 430–433
Asymptotic behavior, 234, 733
Augmented matrices
explanation of, 700
matrix inverses and, 704–705
of system of equations, 638–640, A–30
triangularizating, 640–642
Auxiliary lines, A–15
Average distance, 95
Average rate of change
applications of, 333, 334, 362–364
calculation of, 334
difference quotient and, 359–361
explanation of, 332, 373
Average rate of change formula, 361
Axis of symmetry, 205
Back-substitution, 26, 578
Base, A–7, A–21
Base-b, to solve exponential equations, 530
Base-e exponential functions, 495–496
Binomial coefficients, 831–832
Binomial conjugates, 19–20
Binomial cubes, 291
Binomial expansion, 830, 831, 833, 834
Binomial experiment, 834
Binomial factors, 40–41
Binomial powers, 829–831
Binomial probability, 834–836
Binomials. See also Polynomials
expansion of, 830, 831, 833, 834
explanation of, 16, 829
multiplication of, 18–19, 285
Binomial squares, 20–21, 43, 759, 830
Binomial theorem
applications of, 834–835
binomial expansion and, 834
explanation of, 829, 833, 842
Bisection, 429
Body mass index formula, 37
Boundary lines
horizontal, 123–124, 134
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