v05/15/94 v-1.1
If, for some reason, the company is no longer able to function profitably,
its assets will likely be sold. The proceeds of these sales will first be
used to pay the creditors of the company and then to repay the preferred
stockholders' investment. Any remaining proceeds are divided among the
common shareholders. You can
see why stockholders' investments are often thought of as "risky."
stock – debt
or equity?
Preferred stock is often difficult to classify as debt or equity. Many
researchers and analysts consider preferred stock to be a hybrid –
similar to a liability in some respects and similar to common equity in
Like bonds, preferred stock has a par value. The par value is printed
on the stock certificate and represents the value of the stock at the
time it was issued. Preferred dividends are similar to interest
payments when they are fixed and paid at regular intervals.
A company usually must pay preferred dividends before paying common
dividends. However, a company may defer payment of preferred
dividends. This will not lead to bankruptcy, but forgoing interest
payments probably will lead to trouble.
Typically, accountants classify preferred stock as equity and list it in the
equity section of the Balance Sheet. A bondholder will also consider
preferred stock as having similar characteristics to common equity.
However, a common shareholder will classify preferred shares as
liabilities because preferred shareholders have
a priority claim over the common shareholders.
For the purposes of this course, we will consider preferred stock to
behave like a liability, and equity calculations will not include the
value of the preferred stock. Typically, the unit of the bank in which
you work will have specific instructions on how to handle preferred
stock in an analysis.