Part D Interpretation of accounts ⏐ 25: Interpreting company accounts 377
3.4 Turnover periods
A 'turnover' period is an (average) length of time.
(a) In the case of inventory turnover, it is the length of time an item of inventory is held in stores before it is
(i) A raw materials inventory turnover period is the length of time raw materials are held before being
issued to the production department.
(ii) A work in progress turnover period is the length of time it takes to turn raw materials into finished
goods in the factory.
(iii) A finished goods inventory turnover period is the length of time that finished goods are held in a
warehouse before they are sold.
(iv) When a firm buys goods and re-sells them at a profit, the inventory turnover period is the time
between their purchase and their resale.
(b) The receivables
' turnover period, or debt collection period, is the length of the credit period taken by
– it is the time between the sale of an item and the receipt of cash for the sale from the
(c) Similarly, the payables
' turnover period, or period of credit taken from suppliers, is the length of time
between the purchase of materials and the payment to suppliers.
Turnover periods can be calculated from information in a firm
's income statement and statement of financial position.
Inventory turnover periods are calculated as follows.
(a) Raw materials:
Totalrawmaterialconsumedinone year
12 months
(b) Work in progress (the length of the production period):
Totalcost ofproductioninthe year
12 months
(c) Finished goods:
Totalcost of goodssoldinone year
12 months
(d) Inventories of items bought for re-sale:
Total(materials)cost of goods
bought andsoldinone year
12 months
The word 'average' is put in brackets because although it is strictly correct to use average values, it is more common to
use the value of inventories shown in a single statement of financial position
– at one point in time – to estimate the
turnover periods. But if available use opening and closing balances divided by two.
3.5 Example
A company buys goods costing $620,000 in one year and uses goods costing $600,000 in production (in regular
monthly quantities) and the cost of material in inventory at 1 January is $100,000.
Key term
Formula to