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the generalized formula of Polyakov-Alvarez ([51], [11], [9],
[10], [16],
[17], [18], and [46]) of the -zeta functional determinant for 4-manifolds with
boundary. We start with some terminology. On a compact manifold (Mn' g)
with boundary, we say a pair of operators (A, B) satisfies the conformal
assumptions if:
Conformal Assumptions: Both A and B are conformally covariant of
bidegree (a1, a2) and (b1i b2) in the following sense,
A,,,(.f) = e °I'A(e°2"f),
(g) = e-6jwB(e12Ig)'
for any f E C°°(M), g E C°°(8M).
Assume also that
B(e°2+'g) = 0 if and only if B,,,(g) = 0,
for any w E C°°(M), where A,,, B,, denote the operator A, B, respectively,
with respect to the conformal metric g,, = e2rig.
Examples: The typical examples of pairs (A, B) which satisfy all three
assumptions above are:
(i) When n = 2, A = -A, B = , (negative of) the Laplacian operator
and the Neumann operator, respectively.
(ii) When n > 3, A = L = -
n 2 A + R the conformal Laplacian of bi-
degree (22, 9 ), and R is the scalar curvature, and B is either the Dirichlet
boundary condition or B = 7Z = fi a + H, the Robin operator of bi-
degree (2,
n2 22 ), where H is the trace of the second fundamental form (the
mean curvature) of the boundary M.
(iii) When n = 4, in [17] we have discovered a boundary operator P3i
conformal of bidegree (0,3) on the boundary of a compact 4-manifold. On
4-manifolds, (P4, P3) is a pair of operators satisfying the conformal covari-
ant assumptions, which, in the sense we shall describe below, is a natural
analogue of the pair of operators (-A,
) defined on compact surfaces.
As we have mentioned before, on compact surfaces, from the point of
view of conformal geometry, a natural curvature invariant associated with the
Laplacian operator is the Gaussian curvature K. K enters the Gauss-Bonnet
formula (8.9). The Laplacian operator and K are related by the differential
equation (8.6) through the conformal change of metrics g,,, = e2`''g.
On a compact surface M with boundary, the Gauss-Bonnet formula takes
the form
2iX(M) = JM Kdv + fam kda,
where k denotes the geodesic curvature of 8M and dor the arc length measure
on 8M. Through conformal change of metric g,, = e2rig for w defined on M,