208 Index
luck 92
Ludwig, Eugene 12
Malmius, Ernst 53
Marconi 1, 2, 48, 161
mark-to-market (MTM) 30–1
market capitalisation 61
market risk 13, 15–16, 94
Markowitz, Harry 22
Marsh McClellan insurance company 85, 166
Maxwell, Robert 2
MCI 168
mean-variance efficient portfolio 37
Mercury Asset Management 83
mergers and acquisitions (M&A) 74–5,
148, 162
Meriwether, John 70
Merrill Lynch 52, 83, 165
Merton, Robert 70
Messier 200
Misys 103
Monks, Bob 37
Monte Carlo simulation 28–9, 31, 203
moral hazard 159–60, 166, 167
Morgan, JP 53
Morgan Chase, JP 67
mortgages, endowment 96
MunichRe 148
Myners Reports 91
Nadir, Asil 9
National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF)
172, 173
NetRisk 37
Nigerian 419 scam 121, 122, 123–4, 128, 133,
184, 185
non-systematic trackability 59
Norton 170
NPV 64, 65
null hypothesis 166
oil companies, insuring 88
Omnimedia 136
operational risk (OpRisk) 7, 13, 16–17, 132–4,
Basel II on 49, 94, 104
protection (“roof”) 133–4
rogue trading policing and 31
scorecard 156–7
optimum risk-return point 22
organic risk management 10, 13, 40, 92, 121,
case for 184–9
flowchart 202
OTC derivatives 56, 57
overvaluation 61
P:E ratio 60, 61
Pareto 105
passive investment managers 35, 36
pecking-order theory 61–2
pensions 2–3, 136
fall in 95–6
mis-selling 52–3, 96
risk in 19
Perot, H. Ross 1, 163
PIRC (Pensions and Investment Research
Consultants) 172–3, 201
plain vanilla assets 24, 56
Polly Peck 9
portfolio management 22–31
position keeping 30–1
PRINCE 2 102, 195
probability density function (PDF) 95
pro-cyclicality 46
professional examinations 164–5
professional investor/shareholder 41–2
property boom, UK 135
Prudential Assurance 148
PSAs 88
“pump and dump” schemes 195
“quants” 38, 92
Quattrone, Frank 199
quick (acid-test) ratio 61
RAMP (risk analysis and management of
projects) 68–70, 71, 102–3, 134–5, 175, 184,
195, 197, 203
best practice 54
criteria for successful result 62
template for risk management 117–19
“reasonable man” hypothesis 54
recovery rate 82–3
red flags 55
reputational risk 13, 14, 63, 74–6, 91, 122, 180–3,
request for information (RFI) 111
request for proposal (RFP) 111
retail store theft 12
Reuters 103
business and 5–10
damage and 17–19
structure of 6
types 13–17
risk-adjusted return on capital (RAROC) theory
63, 64, 65–7, 96, 155, 203
risk appetite (risk tolerance) 24, 74, 79, 104,
risk attitudes, prevailing 73–4
risk-averse investor 42, 44
risk avoidance 81