Future-Proofing Against Risk 171
This is partly why human error is cited as the source of most operational failures. However, this is
often just an excuse for poor management and badly designed systems and processes that remove
checks and controls in an effort to improve efficiency by lowering costs.
Much of this corporate culture against disclosing the truth stems from the top of the financial
institutions. Switzerland, for example, makes whistle-blowing a crime. Therefore, unfavourable
financial assessments can remain hidden from the investors. Whistle-blowing really saves
investors money in the long run. It pinpoints the perpetrators of economic crimes and reduces the
period during which they could be removing or destroying economic capital of the company and
its shareholders. Whistle-blowing reduces the time-lag after which auditors and investigators
can look for relevant evidence.
Regulators worked apart, rather than together, on this case. It led to calls establishing supra-
national regulators; yet no world-wide “super regulator” exists anywhere. This disjointed
investigation enabled BCCI to continue its fraudulent operations. Yet, central bankers and
regulators preferred sealed lips for so long until all authorities could muster up enough
evidence and courage to act.
When BCCI closed in 1991, about one million depositors around the world lost their
money. The larger depositors included central banks and governments in major countries
around the world. BCCI had a cult of anonymity and banking secrecy for its customers.
BCCI systematically money-laundered around the world, supporting some unsavoury
regimes. It bribed and peddled influence systematically to foster extensive relationships
with prominent business, political and military figures in most of the 73 countries where it
The case demonstrates:
1. The value of business influence in protecting a financial institution for a long time.
2. The value of prestige in “short-circuiting” investor common-sense.
3. The slowness and fragmented process of central banking and regulation.
By the late stage when BCCI was stopped, a lot of innocent people had been defrauded.
Once again, it had the elements of TBTF, reputation risk and corruption at the very core of
the top executives.
Whistle-blowing works on a raising series of red flags. When there is no visible recourse,
or for major crimes, resort to an escalation of whistle-blowing. Alert the press and media,
then report to regulators, police and other supervisory authorities. A proper whistle-blowing
methodology can be set within the staff contract to lift the lid on fraud and crime. For minor
transgressions: keep the dissent internal initially and keep an account of all errors, crimes and
relevant data. Consult the ombudsman or newspaper if the company refuses to act.
Whistle-blowers must be protected and encouraged. Right now, the downside risk is be-
ing fired or shunned in the professional for “squealing” on the company or colleagues, while
the upside potential is not much. Immediate risk is being questioned for technical compe-
tence, political competence, sanity, naivet´e; onus is on the whistle-blower to understand the
Measuring and Managing Operational Risk, p.13, C. Marshall, Wiley, 2001.
The Insolvency Liquidation of a Multinational Bank, Bank of International Settlements, December 1992.