The TCP/IP Guide - Version 3.0 (Contents) ` 730 _ © 2001-2005 Charles M. Kozierok. All Rights Reserved.
RIPng, which is also occasionally seen as RIPv6 for obvious reasons, was designed to be
as similar as possible to the current version of RIP for IPv4, which is RIP Version 2 (RIP-2).
In fact, RFC 2080 describes RIPng as “the minimum change” possible to RIP to allow it to
work on IPv6. Despite this effort, it was not possible to define RIPng as just a new version
of the older RIP protocol, like RIP-2 was. RIPng is a new protocol, which was necessary
because of the significance of the changes between IPv4 and IPv6—especially the change
from 32-bit to 128-bit addresses in IPv6, which necessitated a new message format.
RIPng Version-Specific Features
Even though RIPng is a new protocol, a specific effort was made to make RIPng like its
predecessors. Its basic operation is almost entirely the same, and it uses the same overall
algorithm and operation, as described in the general section on RIP operation. RIPng also
does not introduce any specific new features compared to RIP-2, except those needed to
implement RIP on IPv6.
RIPng maintains most of the enhancements introduced in RIP-2; some are implemented as
they were in RIP-2, while others appear in a modified form. Here's specifically how the five
extensions in RIP-2 are implemented in RIPng:
☯ Classless Addressing Support and Subnet Mask Specification: In IPv6 all
addresses are classless, and specified using an address and a prefix length, instead
of a subnet mask. Thus, a field for the prefix length is provided for each entry instead
of a subnet mask field.
☯ Next Hop Specification: This feature is maintained in RIPng, but implemented differ-
ently. Due to the large size of IPv6 addresses, including a Next Hop field in the format
of RIPng RTEs would almost double the size of every entry. Since Next Hop is an
optional feature, this would be wasteful. Instead, when a Next Hop is needed, it is
specified in a separate routing entry.
☯ Authentication: RIPng does not include its own authentication mechanism. It is
assumed that if authentication and/or encryption are needed, they will be provided
using the standard IPSec features defined for IPv6 at the IP layer. This is more
efficient than having individual protocols like RIPng perform authentication.
☯ Route Tag: This field is implemented the same way as it is in RIP-2.
☯ Use of Multicasting: RIPng uses multicasts for transmissions, using reserved IPv6
multicast address FF02::9.
RIPng Messaging
There are two basic RIPng message types, RIP Request and RIP Response, which are
exchanged using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as with RIP-1 and RIP-2. Since RIPng
is a new protocol, it cannot use the same UDP reserved port number 520 used for RIP-1/
RIP-2. Instead, RIPng uses well-known port number 521. The semantics for the use of this
port is the same as those used for port 520 in RIP-1 and RIP-2. For convenience, here are
the rules again:
☯ RIP Request messages are sent to UDP destination port 521. They may have a
source port of 521 or may use an ephemeral port number.