1.7 The dissipative standard map 15
We remark that a generalization of the classical standard map to more dimen-
sions is provided by the four–dimensional standard map (see [70]) described by the
= y + ε
sin(x)+δ sin(x − t)
= x + y
= z + ε
sin(t) − δ sin(x − t)
= t + z
where y, z ∈ R and x, t ∈ T, ε ∈ R
is the perturbing parameter, while δ ∈ R
the coupling parameter. If δ = 0 one obtains two uncoupled standard maps, while
if ε = 0 the mapping reduces to two uncoupled circle mappings.
1.7 The dissipative standard map
The standard map can be modified in order to encompass the dissipative case by
introducing slight changes with respect to (1.14) [20,36]. More precisely, we define
the dissipative standard map through the equations
= by + c + εf(x)
= x + y
, (1.18)
where y ∈ R, x ∈ T, b ∈ R
, c ∈ R, ε ∈ R
and f(x) is an analytic, periodic
function. The quantity b is called the dissipative parameter, since the determinant
of the Jacobian associated to (1.18) amounts to b. We shall be concerned with
values of b within the interval [0, 1]. As the parameters are varied one obtains the
following situations.
– If b = 1 and c = 0 one recovers the conservative standard mapping (1.14).
– If b = 0 one obtains the one–dimensional mapping x
= x + c + εf (x).
– If b = 0 and ε =0oneobtainsthecirclemapx
= x + c.
– If 0 <b<1 the mapping is dissipative (contractive).
In the dissipative case let us define the quantity
α ≡
1 − b
we immediately recognize that for ε = 0 the trajectory {y = α}×T is invariant.
In fact, the condition y
= y = by + c implies α = bα + c, namely c = α(1 −b). The
latter relation shows that the parameter c becomes zero in the conservative case
b =1.
The dynamics associated to the dissipative standard mapping admits attract-
ing periodic orbits and invariant curve attractors as well as strange attractors. In
Chapter 2 we shall give a precise definition of strange attractors; for the moment we
just mention that these objects have an intricate geometrical structure and that
introducing a suitable definition of dimension, the strange attractors are shown