flanked by the regions of the viral genome where recombination will take
place. The frequency of recombination is variable and the generation of
stocks of recombinant virus requires purification of the viral progeny.
Sequences up to 8 kb can be inserted into and expressed by adenoviruses.
Heterologous promoters (from SV-40 or cytomegalovirus) have been
successfully used to express genes with this system (Sandig et al., 1997).
The cell line HEK-293 has been generated to complement a region absent
in recombinant adenoviruses, thus obviating the need for a helper virus to
complete the viral cycle. The adenoviruses are reliable vectors for the
production of recombinant proteins. The generation of novel adenoviral
vectors is described in detail by Bourbeau et al. (2003).
The adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) belong to the Parvovirus family,
contain a small genome (5 kb), and are not pathogenic. AAVs have a
biphasic life cycle in the host cell. They can either integrate to the host
genome or persist in an episomal form, both mechanisms leading to a
latent infection in the absence of a helper virus. In the presence of a
helper virus (i.e. adenovirus or herpesvirus), AAVs undergo a productive
infection. In addition to the lack of pathogenicity, these vectors present
other advantages such as high transfection efficiency, reduced cytotoxi-
city at elevated multiplicity of infection, and a wide range of hosts. The
main limitation of these vectors lies in the size of the gene that can be
expressed (, 5 kb). Although the rate of integration of AAVs to the host
genome is low, undesirable chromosomal mutations can be expected
when employing the helper virus approach (Xiao, 2003). The recent
discovery of the minimal set of adenoviral genes required for efficient
generation of progeny AAV particles (Matsushita et al., 1998) allows the
production of recombinant AAVs without the need of adenoviral co-
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) is a member of the herpesvirus family that
became useful as an expression vector for mammalian cells. A peculiarity
of this virus is that it can develop either a latent infection or a lytic cycle in
the host. The first leads to transformation/immortalization of the host cell,
and the second to cell lysis. The identification of the elements necessary
for EBV replication extends the range of permissive cells from human B
lymphocytes to fibroblastic and epithelial cells of human, primate, and
canine origin (Sugden et al., 1985; Lutfalla et al., 1989). The use of this
virus as an expression vector offers stable transfection and high levels of
gene expression, simplicity for the selection of highly producing clones,
easy recovery of the episomal DNA, and the possibility to produce
authentic human glycoproteins if human cells are used as the host
(Teshigawara and Katsura, 1992). Some disadvantages of the EBV-based
expression systems are the need for a selection marker to assure the
persistence of the DNA in an extrachromosomal form, a certain degree of
variability in the expression levels depending on the cell type, and the
probability of genomic integration with a consequent reduction in the
expression rate of the heterologous gene (Levinson, 1990).
Another member of this family is HSV (herpes simplex virus). HSV has
a genome size of 125 kb, although half of the genes are not essential for
growth, allowing large molecular inserts. HSVs infect a wide range of
hosts and show a high infectivity. The relative simplicity of preparing large
46 Animal Cell Technology