Brommer, F. Die Parthenon-Skulpturen: Metopen, Fries, Giebel, Kultbild. Mainz, 1979.
Korres. M., et al. Melevth ΔApokatastavsewı tou
noı. 5 vols. Athens, 1983–1994.
See especially vol. 1, pp. 171–197, for a bibliography.
Orlandos, A. K. ÔH ΔArcitektonikhv tou
noı. 3 vols. Athens, 1977–1978.
Tournikiotis, P. (ed.) The Parthenon and Its Impact on Modern Times. Athens, 1994.
All aspects of the sculptural program of the Parthenon continue to generate a huge
bibliography. For recent work and an overview since Brommer, see I. Jenkins, The Parthe-
non Frieze (British Museum, 1994). In particular, a recent suggestion has been made that
the central scene of the east frieze is not related to the Panathenaia but shows the prepara-
tions for the sacrifice of the daughter of Erechtheus (J. Connelly, “Parthenon and
Parthenoi: A Mythological Interpretation of the Parthenon Frieze,” AJA 100 [1996],
pp. 53–80), answered by Jenkins (The Parthenon Frieze) and by E. Harrison (“The Web of
History: A Conservative Reading of the Parthenon Frieze,” in Worshipping Athena, ed. J.
Neils [Madison, Wis., 1996], pp. 198–214). The work on the restoration of the Acropolis
monuments has led to several important joins and observations on the Parthenon sculp-
ture by A. Mantis. Other recent works on the sculpture include: B. Nagy, “Athenian Offi-
cials on the Parthenon Frieze,” AJA 96 (1992), pp. 55–69, M. C. Root, “The Parthenon
Frieze and the Apadana Reliefs at Persepolis,” AJA 89 (1985), pp. 102–122, K. Schwab,
“Parthenon East Metope XI: Herakles and the Gigantomachy,” AJA 100 (1996), pp. 81–90,
and K. Schwab, “The Parthenon Metopes and Greek Vase Painting” (Ph.D. diss., New York
University, 1988). For the inscription honoring Nero in 61/2, see A. Spawforth, “Symbol of
Unity? The Persian Wars Tradition in the Empire,” in Greek Historiography, ed. S. Horn-
blower (Oxford, 1994), pp. 233–237.
Bundgaard, J. A. Mnesicles, a Greek Architect at Work. Copenhagen, 1957.
DeWaele, J. The Propylaia of the Akropolis in Athens. Amsterdam, 1990.
Dinsmoor, W. B., Jr. The Propylaia to the Athenian Acropolis. Vol. 1: The Predecessors. Prince-
ton, N.J., 1980.
Eiteljorg II, H. The Entrance to the Athenian Acropolis Before Mnesicles. Boston, 1995.
Tanoulas, T., et al. Melevth ΔApokatastavsewı tw
n Propulaivwn. Athens, 1994.