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Structure, Performance, and Policy in Agriculture 491
Table 12.2. Natural and planted grasslands (1,000 hectares)
1961 1970 1980 1990 2000 %
Argentina 147,000 144,500 143,200 142,200 142,000 −3.4
Bolivia 28,600 28,600 31,500 33,200 33,831 18.3
Brazil 122,135 154,138 171,414 184,200 185,000 51.5
Chile 9,550 11,000 12,800 12,850 12,935 35.4
Colombia 35,000 38,000 40,100 40,083 40,920 16.9
Costa Rica 915 1,363 2,010 2,330 2,340 155.7
Cuba 1,900 2,410 2,607 2,900 2,200 15.8
Dominican Republic 2,092 2,092 2,092 2,090 2,100 3.8
Ecuador 2,200 2,300 4,016 4,921 5,107 132.1
El Salvador 604 610 610 640 794 31.5
Guatemala 1,110 1,200 1,300 2,500 2,602 134.4
Haiti 585 635 509 497 490 −16.2
Honduras 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,508 5.3
Mexico 74,499 74,499 74,499 77,500 80,000 7.4
Nicaragua 3,900 4,100 4,600 4,815 4,815 23.5
Panama 1,060 1,100 1,260 1,400 1,477 39.3
Paraguay 13,600 14,000 15,100 17,995 21,700 59.6
Peru 28,191 27,120 27,120 27,120 27,100 −3.9
Puerto Rico 312 330 336 232 210 −32.7
Uruguay 13,847 13,697 13,630 13,520 13,543 −2.2
Venezuela 15,750 16,030 16,768 18,240 18,240 15.8
Latin America 504,350 539,224 566,971 590,733 598,912 18.8
Source: FAOFAOSTAT Database.
In summary, it is clear that the overall increase of 25 percent in agri-
cultural surface and close to 20 percent in pastures in Latin America since
1960 was very unevenly distributed, being concentrated primarily in tropi-
cal countries. Two countries – Costa Rica and Paraguay – show the greatest
increase in percentage of land allotted to agriculture and livestock raising,
whereas Brazil shows the greatest absolute increase in surface dedicated to
these activities. Since 1961, 246 million hectares of new land were incorpo-
rated into agriculture and livestock raising, of which 162 million hectares,
66 percent of the total, were in Brazil.
We can divide land use in the long century into two distinct periods that
correspond with the time before and after World War II. During the early
period, agricultural and livestock area expanded primarily in the temper-
ate and subtropical regions (Southern Cone and southern Brazil, Mexico)
and coastal tropical regions, and a second period when agricultural and