A8.2 The input file 225
Table A8.1. Routines in the Pecube package
Routine name Role User can edit?
create_pecube_in Problem definition Yes
find_temp P–T –t path calculation No
interpolate Vertical interpolation No
make_matrix Finite-element matrix formation No
Peclet_geom Velocity distribution Yes
Pecube Main program No/Yes
solve_iterative Gauss–Seidel iterative solver No
solve_conjugate_gradient Conjugate-gradient solver No
(iv) nelemsurf is the number of triangles/rectangles connecting the nsurf points
defining the landscape
(v) zl is the thickness of the crust/lithosphere (the depth at which the temperature
is fixed at tmax (in km))
(vi) diffusivity is the thermal diffusivity (in km
(vii) heatproduction is the heat-production term (in
3rd line: tmax, tmsl, tlapse,nstep, ilog, iterative, interpol
(i) tmax is the temperature at the base of the crustal block (at z =−L) (in
(ii) tmsl is the temperature at mean sea level z =0 (in
(iii) tlapse is the lapse rate (in
(iv) nstep is the number of steps at which you are going to specify the geometry
of the surface and the value of the advection velocity
(v) ilog is a flag to permit logging ilog = 1 or not ilog =0 at each time step
(vi) iterative is another flag, which determines which solver to use (1 = Gauss–
Siedel and 2 = conjugate gradient)
(vii) interpol is another flag, which determines which interpolation order (1 or 2)
to use during the remeshing step
The logging option should be used only when debugging since it creates an enormous
output file (Pecube.log) and strongly affects the efficiency of Pecube.
nsurf lines: xsurfi ysurfi i =1 nsurf
xsurf and ysurf are real arrays containing the x- and y-coordinates of the nsurf points
defining the landscape.
nelemsurf lines: iconsurfk ie k =1 3/4 ie =1 nelemsurf
iconsurf is the integer connectivity array defining the tessellation to use among the
surface nodes. This two-dimensional tessellation forms the basis of the three-
dimensional element geometry: the three-dimensional triangular/rectangular prisms
are arranged in columns; the top and bottom surfaces of the elements are constructed
from the connectivity described by iconsurf. The number stored in iconsurf(k,ie)
is the node number of the kth node of the ieth triangle, where k = 1 to 3/4 and
ie =1tonelemsurf. Note that nodes must be stored in a counter-clockwise order for