208 Forward models of fission-track annealing
The principle of equivalent time presumes that, at any moment, a track that has
been annealed to a certain degree behaves during further annealing independently
of the conditions which caused the previous annealing. Further annealing depends
only on the degree of annealing that has already occurred and the prevailing
t−T conditions. The order in which the isothermal steps occur is, therefore, not
The isothermal steps are chosen to be of equal length and the associated
temperature is obtained by linear interpolation between input points of the thermal
history. The annealing history is traced for a set of representative tracks that
are formed at the beginning of each new time step. This procedure assumes
that the fission-track-production rate is constant through time. The half-life of
U is sufficiently long (445 ×10
yr; Fleischer et al. (1975)) to warrant this
assumption, for timescales less than about 500 only Myr. All newly formed
tracks share a similar thermal history with existing tracks from their formation
onwards. Therefore, the principle of equivalent time allows all of the reduced
track lengths to be calculated in a single pass through the isothermal steps in
reverse order. In this manner the evolution of the track-length reduction cannot
be traced but computing time is greatly reduced (e.g., by a factor of 595 for
100 time steps).
The calculated set of n reduced track lengths is transformed to a binned fission-
track-length distribution (FTLD) using a probability-density function fr. This
procedure is required because a given amount of annealing does not lead to a
single value of r but to a range in r, as a result of the anisotropy of annealing
as well as the range in chemical composition and annealing properties of apatite
in the sample (Donelick et al., 1999; Green et al., 1986). Lutz and Omar (1991)
proposed the function
fr =
r −r
where is the standard deviation and Kx is a distribution function. A Gaussian
distribution is most applicable:
Kx =
The standard deviation in (A1.1.5) is itself a function of r (Green et al., 1986).
Different forms for this function have been suggested. Lutz and Omar (1991)
used a three-tier linear relationship with parameter values obtained from a linear