14.2 General Properties of Nuclei 417
Universe. From nuclear, atomic physics and astrophysics we also know that the
chemical composition of planetary systems may not be very different from that of
our Solar System. We do not know indeed if there is intelligent life beyond our Solar
System, anywhere else in the Universe. We are also unaware of the biology of this
hypothetical intelligent species, nor of their reproduction modality. Reproduction
can occur similar to life on Earth, with the union of two individuals of different
sexes: having seen the success and repeatability of natural laws, this assumption
might be plausible. In this case, the hypothetical aliens will probably exchange a
golden gift and not an iron object as a token of love. Also, in this planetary system,
the ratio between the number of gold nuclei with respect to iron nuclei will be
, and gold will be a precious good. If in addition, there is on the gift a
brilliant transparent stone made of carbon atoms in a particular lattice arrangement,
we think that the hypothetical individuals of this planet will have a good chance of
successfully transmitting their genes .
14.2 General Properties of Nuclei
In 1911, Rutherford, studying the transmission of alpha particles (He nuclei) in
a thin layer of gold (Au), realized that they were also scattered at large angles
(up to 180
, i.e., backward). At that time, the Thomson model of the atom was
generally accepted: it assumed that the electrons are drowned in a positive charge
distributed throughout the volume of the atom. Such a charged sphere is not able to
significantly deviate a particle with a mass equal to 7,300 electron masses. To obtain
deviations such as those observed, it must be hypothesized that the positive charge
is concentrated in a much smaller volume.
The interpretation of emission spectra of atoms and the Rutherford experiment
are at the base of the Bohr–Sommerfeld atomic model:
• The atom consists of a nucleus of charge C Ze.
• Z electrons, each with a charge e, are bound to the nucleus by the Coulomb
• The nucleus mass is much greater than the electron mass.
• The electric charge of the nucleus is concentrated in a region of space much
smaller than the size of the atom.
After the discovery of the neutron (1932), it was realized that the nuclei are bound
states of subconstituents nearly equal in mass, with N neutrons and Z protons.
The interaction between the nuclear constituents has characteristics very different
from the electromagnetic interaction. In particular, the forces holding the nucleus
together are called nuclear; nuclear forces do not depend on the electric charge and
they have an interaction range of about 10
m. The order of magnitude of the
nuclear binding energy is the MeV; it is straightforward to estimate that to maintain
two protons at a distance of r 1 fm against the Coulomb repulsion, an energy of
=r 1 MeV is needed. Quantities that characterize the atomic nuclei and